
I watched all of The Americans S1 over the Christmas break (whole four days I had of it) and then began S2 but even though it was interesting, I somehow just couldn't get through the episodes. Maybe the spy drama intensity was too much? Still, I intend to get back on that Soviet horse, since this show has without a

I don't know why but the self-help book mocking bothered me, as playful and flirty as it was. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because self-help taps into people's deepest insecurities, so while it's not mean or anything, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

I bought my friend both of Beaton's books for Xmas and once they arrived I spent much time reading and re-reading them, annoyed that I didn't buy two copies so I could keep one for myself. Her The Great Gatsby comics are everything.

Bless Botchamania.

Really liked The Canon last week with Forrest Gump, mostly because it reminded me why I hated that movie but was still a worthwhile discussion on why it's an interesting movie.

I appreciate this show in a way I find really difficult to explain. The best descriptor I suppose is "slice of life". I like spending time with these characters even though not much happens in their life, kind of like much doesn't happen in my life. And even though I'm a 20-something straight woman, not a 30-something

S4 has the show's worst episodes almost all back-to-back but also some of the show's best episodes: Je Ne Sais What, Red Team Blue Team and What's In the Box. You can skip most of S4 but I'd recommend watching from Je Ne Sais What onwards.

Jericho's intros do not exist to me, unless they include his kids, who are basically the best. His son who is a fish expert is genuinely one of the most interesting guests Jericho's ever featured.

Yes! I've plugged it here before. It is a pretty tragi-comic experience. I switch stances between "I feel bad for these guys" and "these idiots should have never begun this" to "I wish I could punch Patrich Schwarzenegger".

I'm kind of amazed at how many times Bryan and Erin switch "straight man" (pun unintended) comedic roles over the course of one episode. Sometimes I think they aim for too easy/obvious subjects, like of course some Christian conservative Fox News contributor has a book out about how women should be cute and let men do

Well, looks like we can wrap up 2015 already. No way is any match going to top Ibushi vs Nakamura. Not that I won't enjoy seeing people try, though..

Bizz Clizz

True. The first time I learned about the difference in styles was actually when I heard Bret Hart talking about how he hated wrestling in Japan because they just really hurt you for real.

I probably did see the Ibushi vs Nakamura G1 2013 match as the first or second match NJPW I ever watched. By the time Nakamura fell asleep against Ibushi on the ropes (that ole vicious spot!) I was kind of in love with Nakamura already. From there I watched a bunch of recent Nakamura matches which introduced me to

Every now and then Emma and Summer Rae get a match on some C-show of WWE, like Superstars, and I remember when they used to wrestle awesome matches with an actual storyline behind them on NXT. Good times. Those women deserve oh so much better.

I'd accuse you of cynicism but I completely get where you're coming from and understand it's demonstrably difficult to think positively about this thing when you know the guy who everything has to go through. If Vince doesn't get you, you're done, and unluckily for us, Vince doesn't get a lot of things. Including

Yeah, I'm worried, too - this show, if it lasts, will be slow to build. At least it's doing okay in Spanish on Unimas. And it's the only wrestling show actually on TV that is consistent, compact story-telling right now, making it worth considering AVC coverage.

I do wish I could understand Japanese to know how Ishii taunts his opponents during matches. One of my favourite things is when a guy tries to bodyslam him and he's like "try again, loser".

Some indy wrestling is nonsensical shit, or just endless spotfests where nobody sells and nothing matters - I definitely agree with you on that. But New Japan is not indy in that aspect, I don't think. It's not all stiff, either. The Japanese psychology takes a while to grasp but it's definitely there, and you can

Kota Ibushi's face is too pretty to be Boma Ye'd. (So he'll probably get it in the back of the head. Like three times.)