
I love Ye Olde Gremlins. So quaint.

I watched NXT [R]Evolution, a great wrestling event despite the dumb name. Then I rewatched the second hour again the next day, and it was worth it. It sounds so over-dramatic but there is almost nothing as emotionally engaging as a wrestling story told well. Too bad it happens so rarely.

Have fun watching The Good Wife. Apart from a minor blip in S4, it keeps getting better with each season.

I don't know, I guess it's just that I'm lazy but I tend to look at like this: pop culture, good pop culture, can always wait. The best film of 2014 is going to be a good film in 2016, or then it's not a good film, it's just a great conversation piece. Sometimes I like a conversation piece and want to see a film the

The show even plays into it by Jane going, "I don't do that" when one of the managers tells her to bring in the mimosas.

I still love this show and am willing to go with its beautiful magical realist world, but I do sometimes wonder why they want to resolve so many things in the span of an episode instead of waiting one or two. It's hard to tell whether a misunderstanding or a relationship glitch or a twist would get boring if they just

I guess when you accidentally end up holding somebody hostage you should treat them nicely. A heart of gold, this Petra. What villain? She's a saint!

I can just imagine Magda being discovered and Petra being like, "Mother!" and Magda shrugging like, yeah I ran a highly sophisticated drug ring and didn't tell you, what of it.

That scene between the Jane and the escort was so wonderful, regardless of how I felt about the over-neat, hasty jettisoning of that problem between Rafael and Jane.

I liked it, because I recognized a lot of that character in some of the people who've spent a year abroad. Some of them are American and have barely traveled but some of them have been to many places, they just latched onto this one place and can't stop going on about it. It was just an observant character, plus I

What was the French thing Holt ended up cooking? Much like Rosa, I'm down with a cold (though staying home like a weakling with my smile muscles all over the place) so I couldn't quite decipher that line.

True, but what would be a better alternative? I really struggle to think of a title that would capture the ridiculousness of the premise whilst referencing what the show is really about (the heart it has, especially when it comes to the main character). Titles are tough.


ASMR is unexplainable if you've never experienced it, though your description is pretty close to mine. Somebody said "like soda beneath your skin" but that sounds horrific if you've never had tingles. I've had it since I was a kid and until I read a Vice article about it, I didn't know what to even call it. I suppose

I completely agree. I love how their arguments actually make you think about the movies they discuss because the disagreement brings out really new ways of looking at films, both in positives and negatives. I wasn't persuaded by Devin's take of Temple of Doom but I liked hearing that side of the argument put the way

With any luck they'll have a character named after the Dinosaur Supervisor of the first movie who became a meme.

Just iTunes for me. My iPod touch stopped working so I'm back to rocking a 2007-purchased iPod Nano, making me the coolest fool on the block. It has great battery life compared to the newer products so I'm fine with it.

I meant to check it out, thanks for reminding me. Sounds like exactly what it is named, and kind of fascinating to boot.

I'm too drained to do an I4H recap but holy fuck, I loved this latest episode. The sheer absurdity the goggle scene dissolved into was so priceless, and then the ice rink scene and the video game scene, just stupidly brilliant. They are on a good, good run right now.

Yeah, that Cracked episode bothered me. I'm starting to sense a theme - if David Wong is on and giving his older dude "I read a lot of stuff and then write about it" perspective, the podcast is interesting. When it's some younger guys from the Cracked staff it's just kind of annoying as opposed to being insightful,