Dammit Jim

Tracy: So, how you doing over there, Theo Huxtable.Toofer: I'm doing good.Tracy: Nah-uh. Superman does good; you're doing well. You need to study your grammar, son.

Tracy: So, how you doing over there, Theo Huxtable.Toofer: I'm doing good.Tracy: Nah-uh. Superman does good; you're doing well. You need to study your grammar, son.

Actually he was playing this guy we know who is exactly like that.

Actually he was playing this guy we know who is exactly like that.

I heard it and screamed so, but my family didn't believe me until I played it back twice with the volume cranked. I really, really needed for them to hear it.

I heard it and screamed so, but my family didn't believe me until I played it back twice with the volume cranked. I really, really needed for them to hear it.

"Honeys Boo Boo." 

"Honeys Boo Boo." 

"Last night I slept like a baby. I woke up cryin' with a boob in my mouth!"

For Your FYI, I wrote and recorded a song based on your awesome screen name. I'm telling you this because I need the validation. You can hear it here, but you don't have to.

The Honeymooners / I Love Lucy / The Flintstones / The Jetsons

Ewww! Who are the others?

At the risk of sounding totally gay …
I believe all three Bourne movies meet the criteria set forth by this list's title. Also, Matt Damon is just too precious!

Here's another way the shows are alike …
The characters in GLEE will all wind up going to community college.

I loved all the self-awareness …
The bit about forgetting that Danny was on the show. And all the references to the implied sitcom anti-romance between Liz and Jack.

Yeah, they left out her middle name. "Bit."

Hot Tub was easily the worst movie I've seen in ten years.

Hathaway is an MPDGILF.

"Anachronistic" = "sucks" in a period series.

My only problem is…
I like Steve Buscemi and all. But, he's just not cutting it for me in Boardwalk. He's lifeless and it feels like he's no even trying to be in the period.