Dammit Jim

Just watched the Veruca Salt video.
If that song doesn't kick your ass then sorry, buddy. You don't have an ass.

What about "The Union Forever" by The White Stripes?
It quotes the song about Charles Foster Kane [you can't buy a bag of peanuts in this town without somebody writing a song about you] in its entirety.

By not reading the interview, I can continue to hate them all I want. And I can assume that they only eat aborted fetuses.

Insane Clown "Posse"?
Not only are they spelling it wrong, they're pronouncing it wrong!

I shit class for breakfast. Believe you me!

The Bourne Identity
Seriously, it took like 30 seconds.

John Zorn's Naked City.

Hello, Cox Cable?
It looks like now is a good time to cancel my cable subscription.

I'm going to the shop. Want anything?

I don't give a shit about the barracudas, fuck it! I'm building it anyway.

Yeah, but the cock-punching dude from the AT&T commercials was AWESOME!

Also, Star Cruisers that explode cannot go "boom!" in the vacuum of space.

Roger Thornhill and Eve Kendall
No way you can base a relationship on all the lies that brought those two together. How could they ever trust each other?

Owl Creek Bridge
Kyle, that's fucking brilliant. I've had the same feeling several times in recent years, including once last week as I was driving home from work.

"Stop! Or the ginger nuts gets it!"

"Life is Beautiful" also started out as a romantic comedy and ended, well, with the Holocaust. And it starred the Italian Jack Black.

"Jacob's Ladder" owes everything to Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." Except, of course, the title.

If you like "Last Man on Earth" movies, I recommend "The Quiet Earth" from 1985.

I am the only human being, living or dead, who did not like "Fight Club" at all. I wanted to like it. I love Pitt's more obscure work. And Ed Norton. But I hated the movie.

Fuck! I meant "last!"