Dammit Jim

That part about her having a hypothalamus twice the size as that of humans might hold the key.

"Tyler Perry's Temptation" was bad. But "Tracy Jordan's Aunt Phatso Goes to the Hospital Goes to Jail" was a train wreck, start to finish.

I've seen Larry and His Flask a couple of times. They are amazing. Good day, sir.

"How much currency would a first-rate accountant receive in America?" — Alexander Perchov

Please forgive. My English is not so premium.

Very true. The really good comedians — Chappelle among them — make comedy look really, really easy. So does life. How often do we laugh our asses off at something funny a friend says or does? Pretty damned often, I'd say.

Alt-country genius musician and songwriter Robbie Fulks tells of a time when he was passing through Reno and saw Redd Foxx's name on the marquis at a Holiday Inn. (Ultimately it was just a year or two before Foxx's death.) It said "one night only," so he stopped to check it out. He paid $50 and was told the show would

I'm just trying to figure out how Skinner was able to find, shoot, de-fang and burn that young girl on the same night he was with Linden. Seems like he would have: a] had some blood on him somewhere; or b] reeked of accelerant. [Lord knows I do when I incinerate evidence.]

For me the best television so far this year has been the Velveeta Cheezy Skillets commercials. Hands down.

I have a BA from Virginia Tech. It's in Mass Communications because I was lazy, drunk and in a variety of rock bands. When this young lady receives her diploma, I will ask for my money back.

To everyone who says that Season Four ended abruptly or randomly: Remember the pilot and the very first dialog between Michael and George Michael. "What have we always said is the most important thing?" "Breakfast." "Family." "Family, right. I thought you meant of the things you eat."


FAVORITE QUOTE AND SPOILER ALERT: "That's why I love you, Ophelia. You've got a heart as big as that blindside monster's hand." — Herbert Love

Also, the "Show Stealer Trial Version" graphic on all the footage from previous seasons was an awesome gag. 

I laughed out a piece of larynx at the roofie cycle. Quite literally. A big-ass chunk.

Am I crazy, or is Season Four really good?

All the songs I like are better than any of these because I said so. 

All the songs I like are better than any of these because I said so. 

Yeah. What a shame. It's just like Arrested Development.

Yeah. What a shame. It's just like Arrested Development.