Dammit Jim

Brilliant review. Somber comments.
Todd, you're dead on about this episode putting viewers inside the helmets of the soldiers. I feel like I've got serious PTSD and it's gonna take a shitload of lemonade to wash it away.

They got bad diseases that'll make you sick.
Extraordinary acting from Snafu, Gunny, and most of all Sledgehammer. I didn't think he had it in him when the series first started. I fell right into his trap. Tremendous episode.

Don't even think about it.
Nice cold sip of water. A little splash on your head. Put it right out of your mind.

Todd, whatever you used to hammer out tonight's comments, you did a tremendous job. I don't envy you this gig. As the weeks have progressed, the comments for and against the series have become more serious and more complete. And so, more legitimate. You've managed to keep your thoughts coherent while giving thoughtful

Sledgehammer. I like it.
I really do.

Don't forget, BoB had that awesome first episode where we met everyone together. And they all had their arch-nemesis Sobel to provide tension. Maybe they should have gone with 11 episodes this time around adding one to the beginnng of the series that was devoted to character development.

OK, Astro. That last one made me shoot garlic-vodka breast milk out my nose.

Dude, that is some seriously nasty-ass milk. You should get your ducts looked at. And I didn't realize my comment was literal either. But I guess it was.

Ruh Roh, Astro: The comparisons made to BoB that I've seen in the promos have been of the "from the team that brought you…" variety. I've also heard them say quite a bit about how this was not intended to be an extension of "Band of Brothers." They've talked extensively about how the storytelling in this series is

"You can't stop progress."
Nice cameo by Bill Hunter as Gwen's hard line granddad. You may remember his incredible performances as Bill Heslop in "Muriel's Wedding." or Barry Fife in "Strictly Ballroom." He's a truly fine actor.

But, it wasn't at all like BoB!!!
Just thought I'd get this tired ball rolling for everyone who likes to bitch The Pacific isn't like Band of Brothers. Waaa! It also isn't at all like Carnivale.

I would use the hot tub time machine to go back and not watch this awful movie.
I mean, it was wholly insipid. The performances were sucky because they had no material to work with. The movie looked awful. Rob Cordry is not funny. And he was supposed to be the comedian. And worst of all: Chevy Chase. Christ, what an

Dammit, Frog's right. My guess is they're trying to skew younger with a few jokes, you know, for the kids. Or the line was leftover from the writer's strike.

You're right, Wingnut. My guess is they need something for Ann to do when Mark exits. And in the Ann/April cage match, my money's on April.

That reminds me of school.
Where we learned about the dangers of book readin'.

Roanoke, Virginia, has the "world's largest man-made star."

Sorry. "Lazy Sunday" was funny. Random Yelling Man was not. Most of the guest characters work because they're at least plausible. And well written. This felt like they thought of it just before they started shooting.

It's important to remember that we're losing a thousand or so WWII vets each day. For the most part, their stories will die with them. Just because HBO hasn't done a 10-part series on your war yet doesn't mean they don't care. It just means they're waiting for you to get closer to death.

For some reason, I like April's bangs. She may be the best actor on the show.

Adjusted for ticket price inflation, "Avatar" is, like, 17th.