
Pretty good….
was how I thought the season premiere of Warehouse 13 was. I mean I relatively enjoyed the whole first season as a fun, breezy, cool summer show. I really started to like it when MacPhearson came on and was a serious threat. I really enjoy the H.G. Wells story here and think it has potential as the woman

Yes but it made for a great scene and great tension. It was throughly amazing television last night.

Who didn't cheer for Walt at the end?
That was one the biggest FUCK YEAH! moments in TV history!

Yeah this show blows hard! Interesting and well decent acting at best.

I'm actually about to check this out. FSM help me.

Wish it wasn't this.
When I HEARD the idea of the show, I thought it sounded like a good mystery. Then I SAW the trailer and saw it was a teen drama as well. I should point out when I read the plot it didn't mention it was teens. Now am I ever gonna watch this? NO FUCKING WAY! This is the same channel that gave us

Great ender
This was perfect way to cap off the season. Yes there was some stupid shit (Mainly bringing back that local newscaster. I get that character is a parody but god he's annoying!) but man this was fun. Really enjoyed Will, Sue, and mostly Rachel. I liked how Quinn and Puck stood with giving up the baby and

Let's be honest, when you come back for a fourth season, you really gotta pull out some stops for your opener. I thought Burn Notice did that well but with a few problems:
1. Michael Ironside. Man he's a great actor but mostly a great villain and he gets offed after coming on screen for like a minute. Wasted

Sex and the City to me.
Now I've seen episodes of Sex and City I think about 10 or 12 and I fully understood it was for women and gay men if you wanna say that its this shows audience and had hoped that at least there was something enjoyable for men who have to watch this with their wives, girlfriends, or sisters. Now

28 seconds of my life…

Well take in mind some the viewers aer high schoolers who were expecting another Secret Life and well that show's fans are unbelieveably stupid so I think its for them but for more mature viwewers likes us, they need to cut that shit out!

That's the only flaw of Glee. They have great storylines that could have great build-up but blow their load before it goes up. That is both a complaint and a Finn joke.

Another problem.
Well as much as I didn't like 3 separate episodes being bunched into one whole episode, they beat us over the head with the theme. Having a home. The episode's name is Home! Plus as obvious a song choice it was, I did enjoy this episode's cover of Beautiful. I think its better than the original. I

Brittany is awesome! And now for what I thought after this random title!
Well this was pretty fun. I really enjoyed the Like a Virgin and Like a Prayer numbers. those were so damn good. I just wish they didn't do a current Madonna song because her current stuff is shit to me. I'd love to se a Beatles centered episode

Well should this be the series finale, I was truly satisfied. This episode was a prime example of a season long story arc paying off int he final episode. I loved every single minute of it and didn't so mind the Frobisher and Wes story. It brought everything together. I will miss Tom (Good luck finding work

Brittany and Sue
Are still my two main favorite characters. Sue is just vendictive and evil to a comical lever which works with Jane Lynch and Brittany well is just nuts! I'm waiting for the episode they reveal she's on pysch meds but hey as long as they keep writing the funny stupid peopl dialouge for her, i'm fine.

Hey I like him a lot too. I see some of me in him.

Solid return!
Solid return for Glee! Honestly the best new show from last year. Love the return and they got an AC/DC song on here! My favorite band! Plus my little brother watched to see if its as good as he's heard. he liked it. Hello, I love you, Gives You Hell, and Hello, Goodbye were outstanding numbers. Love the

Why must all I hope for die?!
:( I'll never see just one more story of my all time favorite TV show? I loved the ending of the show and it was a satisfying ending, but I just want one more. Please David, make something happen!

Season 1
As huge a TNG fan I am, I admit season 1 was meh. Much like Buffy season 1 but TNG had some cool episodes in season 1. Case in point, the pilot.