
The Iron Nail sucked out the Super Soldier Serum from his body.

I have to say this is my favorite episode of the season, as well as one the instant top 10 of the series. This was just impressive in every way. Just as its announced its getting a definite end, Fringe comes out with one its best acted, well-shot, greatly written episodes of its run and a couple moments towards the

Back to school never felt so great! POP! POP!

So glad to see this back!

Robin's shining moment
This episode made me cry when I first watched it. Granted I was a kid but still. I still cry watching this episode. It was heartbreaking and amazingly beautiful. The visuals, the acting, and the writing. Loren Lester shined here and he deserves props for his time on the show. This might be my

Volkoff and Dharma? O_o
So with the numbers and Dr. Chang on there last night, how sure are we Volkoff Industries aren't somehow involved with the Dharma Initiative?

Differnt ends of the pole.
I've Got Batman In My Basement: D+
This episode sucks. Reading Batman my whole life, I've loved the Penguin. He's a very interesting character to me and has some good stories. This was an embarrassing introduction to the series for him. Could this script have been saved? Well yeah I think it

Good episode.
I admit this was bit a downgrade compared to the emotional, dramatic, and amazing roller-coaster Two-Face was but this was a solid good episode. It was never until I grew up that I saw how lazy and PSA like the second half the episode became. Really sucked out all that great tension it had been building

This was great!
I highly enjoyed this episode which I found weird as my horrible dating life and well have been broken up with my very first serious ex-girlfriend nearly a year now the week after Valentine's Day, which I never liked to be honest, by a MySpace message actually has made me cynical towards romance and

That was incredibly badass!

I remember watching this back as a kid watching part 1 Friday afternoon when I got home form school and was just in awe of how cool this episode was. Then it ended and I hate to wait until Monday afternoon after school to see it. If anyone here didn't watch this first run as a kid like most of us did, man

Thank you AV Club!
I have grown up my whole life with Batman. Born days after the first Tim Burton film, first thing I ever read was a Batman comic book, seen all the movies and shows, played the games but Batman: The Animated Series is my favorite incarnation of Batman ever. Thanks AV Club for adding this to TV Club.

This was a true great game.
THE PACKERS WON! I am so happy as a lifelong fan right now!

Will Smith wants to put together a remake of Annie with his daughter Willow as Annie. Yeah when I think of that great, classical character, I think she should played by a 9 year old who was just handed a musical career by her parents and made possibly the worst song ever. So will Annie whip her hair back and

This IS Burn Notice!
This is the show I fell in love with. Yeah the last few episodes were meh but this season was okay. Little better than three. I was highly entertained by tonight's finale. Myonly complaint is that Tyler Brennen was killed. GORRAM IT! But hey now we get Dyalan Baker! I love Baker and hopefully will

This is bar none the best episode of the show yet. So smart and just goddamn funny! Just for that freak out scene alone, Joel McHale deserves a Emmy nomination.

Jacob Ben Israel
This episode pretty much confirmed for me that I just down right hate this character!

I will fucking kill anyone I see wearing those on Halloween!

Chaning my religion or lack of.
I think this will no longer make me an agnostic because no higher being would approve of this!

LOST goodies I want!
Desmond's failsafe key, Apollo candy bar, Ben's Swiss and Canadian "Dean Moriarty" passport, Ben's "Henry Gale" ID Card and Leather Wallet, Charlie's DS ring, Desmond's Hero Backpack, Eko's staff, Jin's Rolex, Locke's Hero Knife, Naomi's phone, Penny's letter, Sawyer's reading glasses, Sun's pearl