
Best news the year so far!
HAPPY DAYS! HAPPY DAYS! HAPPY DAYS! MTV finally getting some brains! Oh I think I hear angels singing joyfully in my head. This is a great moment for TV.

This episode's title sounded like a porno
Well it did. Thought this week was pretty okay but I loved the alternate timeline this week. Tom resigns, makes the call, jumps off bridge. Well I will miss him. Thought the title could've been changed. This was a pretty okay episode and my favorite part was the meeting

Amazing to see how fast it went up.
Love the premiere. Although when the opening came on I had to make sure I was watching the right show. Love the tension this show has always had and got floored when Skylar revealed she knows Walt's secret. This is gonna be a great season. Plus can't wait to see more about those two

Great episode. So glad Casey didn't turn full evil. He's hands donw my favortie character on here among them all but shit he's no longer active. Plus the scene where his daughter just passes him is pretty heartbreaking. I look forward to seeing how that progresses. Overall I loved tonight's episode. Plus Condor

Mixed bag
Well I was really waiting for Ted Danson to come back as Frobishers as I really do like the character but last night felt awkward and, yes, crowbrowed with him in. I think sooner or later this season he's gonna work into the main plot of this season. Plus I loved the flashbacks and forwards even if they

This is wrong of me but…
I know I haven't seen this but I will not see it now because of this horrible, disgusting, insulting, and offensive ending. I know in seeing a film to see if its good or bad. I thought of seeing it for the great cast considering it was basically Twilight without lame vampires and has daddy

It hurt to watch this film.
Also this is the movie me and my ex-girlfriend saw it on out first date.

That is true but the way they did on here with him was very funny and possibly my favorite scene of the episode. Plus he tries to get himself a free rare prime rib out of. Then again who wouldn't, right?

A list of how awesome this episode was.
1. Neil Patrick Harris: GIVE HIM THE EMMY!
2. Jennifer Lopez: Gave a good performance and made me care for her acting for a fourth time. The previous times being The Cell, Serena, and Out of Sight.
3. Singing: I swear a couple more numbers and we'd have a musical episode. Who else

Loads of fun!
God damn I love this episode! This maybe my favortie episode of Chuck yet! Plus from seeing the promo for next week's episode, NO! No writers no! You do not turn Casey evil! NO! He's the best character no there. NO! Bad writers, bad!

Just a brilliant episode.
Do I need to say more?!

Blood, death, money, and the sandiest beaches ever all in one!
This was a really, REALLY damn good episode. I loved it focused on Leonard and we learn he someone is involved with Tom's death and that its his fingerprint on Ellen's bag. Plus I'm still not sure who's hand that was at the end. Could've been Leonard but

The beauty has faded for Nip/Tuck.
This show was groundbreaking. I love the first two seasons of the show. Season three was pretty damn silly. Season four was eh for the most part but had some the best episodes. Season five was good, bad, good, good, eh, and then finally good. Season six was just okay. Season seven

Give it to Neil Patrick Harris now! Plus this episode was really a lot of fun! If I was Robin, I'd wait to someone was done washing my underwear too to let them off the hook.

You bring this up on a blog for How I Met Your Mother? SICK!

Tommy boy!
Who else here went "FUCK YEAH!" when Tom beat the shit out his financial advisor? I mean he earned the right to beat him up. This episode was pretty damn good. Most compelling stuff was the story with Tom. I'm sure gonna miss him. Patty and Ellen story was good too. But now I'm not so sure about when a few

New low for this show.
Yeah I'm not sure how educational a show is that is a lame soap opera, the worst depiction of teens ever, and well everyone is banging everyone and well anything that moves. Ohu but the biggest consequence of Bristol Palin's teen pregnancy, guest starring on "The Secret Life of the American

Mind fuck.
I saw Shutter Island on the weekend and after the opening and ending of that episode I had to make sure I wasn't tripping acid! (Shutter Island is amazing) This was as creepy as Fiske's daydream in season 1 when all his teeth fell out. I liked tonight's episode and loved certain moments. Tom trying to hold

Well last night's episode made me interested in the Tobins as I am in Tom so my interest in both is split right now.

I'm stuffed from last night's flashbacks after not being served my weekly fix last week. Two things went through my head last night at the end. 1.) What is in that god damn envelope? and 2.) Patty. I ruled her out of Tom's death right away as she was so naturally shocked when hearing it but then that last