Josh Litten

Edited for gender continuity reasons with thanks to Associate Producer Scrawler.

As a Broadway nerd who finds cute brunettes appealing, she is perfect casting. That said, I have no hope for the writing abilities of Bays and Thomas. They have left me a sad, cynical man.

Don't ask. She goes on for eight hours and tells you all about how she watched and stop watching Community, Lost, Fringe, and a bunch of other niche shows. She also keeps giving you information she couldn't possibly know about her more likable friends' viewing habits and how her wild reality-show-loving friend ended

Malcolm is actively competing for fan favorite votes via Twitter, and he has quite a number of avid twitter followers. Conditioner ain't cheap, you know.

This is my new favorite thing. Ever. Papa Cochran, you sly dog.

Second place will be Malcolm's hair. Anyone else will be a distant third.

Possibly even better than Malcolm's "OH FUCK, SHIT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN" hilarious blatant fan bait reaction.

The night IS dark and full of terrors.

I'm with Judge. Reynold was at least entertaining by the end, if a horrible gamer who still can't seem to grasp why the "cool kids alliance" is always to be avoided.

I like Brenda, but let's be honest. If she made it to the Final Three - especially without Eddie, and I believe she planned to take Dawn and Erik - she was going to win. It was very smart to vote her off and to vote her off when she did. I expect the plan for Cochran and Dawn now is to take Sherri as their goat and

Yeah, I think a lot of the Cochran love on the site this year (which, by the way, doesn't so much seem to exist elsewhere) is due to his upping his strategic game this year. I liked him in South Pacific, but he made me mad a lot. Now, he's been my pick since early in the season (helped muchly by his winner's edit, no

Ugh, yes, 75% of people talking on Twitter about the show tonight were infuriating. I may sometimes find the AVClub frustratingly ironic and irrationally distasteful of the "mainstream," but with Survivor I know I can find genuine analysis of the game and its players.

Regardless, I expect he has a lock for the Fan Vote if not the full win. But man, I hope he wins it. He, Andrea, and Malcolm have really been the only three strategizing from Day One.

All three of those were so great. I really hope Harmon works it out. He can come up with some pretty weird, frankly unfunny stuff sometimes, but it wouldn't be Community without his unique voice. Loved these episodes.

All three of those were so great. I really hope Harmon works it out. He can come up with some pretty weird, frankly unfunny stuff sometimes, but it wouldn't be Community without his unique voice. Loved these episodes.

So…. Chevy Chase is the villain on Dexter next season?

Certainly. I have to say I don't necessarily disagree with any of these opinions. The view of Robin has always been as someone with little interest in raising a family or meaningfully settling down. And some of the comments I've seen are right: some people just don't change their minds. I had a long term relationship

Alas, if only I had the time… and the creative ability. And Austin, I totally get why anyone would like it. I can honestly say I didn't right after seeing the episode when I was hopping mad (I may have shouted "BULLSHIT" at my television). But after thinking about what I DID like - the rest of the episode - I

Ok, so given some distance, the episode as a whole was perfectly fine. I was nowhere near as appreciative as you are here, Donna, but after reading and reflecting, I appreciate its merits. And honestly, I love this show. It's not the level of Community or Parks and Rec to me, but damn it, I care about the characters

Todd's just trying to relax at a concert with some nachos, guys! Also, nice to see the Janitor has a hobby.