Josh Litten

There is definitely an Alpha Male vibe that resonates from the Savaii tribe in a way I have not seen since Joel in Micronesia. But at least with Joel it was funny. This is just crude and irritating. And I wanted to like Jim at least! He seems like he's made for Survivor, but I expect nothing less than the outright

That seems to be the consensus, but I'm afraid CBS never saw a dead horse it couldn't beat. Oh well, hopefully the rest of the show will continue to be twisty in the weeks to come, RI notwithstanding.

So wait, I thought Probst said at some point over the summer that because of the clusterfuck of having so many people in the endgame last season, that Redemption Island would last until the merge and then be done. Yet it continues? Please, please stop it. It sucks so much drama out of the vote. It would be so much

I have to say, I loved this episode. I find it interesting just how many reservations and qualifications you slapped onto a B+ episode (I know, I know… grades are meaningless and you guys would rather not give them mostly). I approach this show as fun escapism. I love Mad Men, I love Breaking Bad, and I've marathon-ed