shia laboof

Hey that reminds me of a scene in a short film I'm working on. Goes kind of like:

I think the correct answer is it's kind of vague because Nolan wants him dead and there's no way in hell DC comics is going to let that happen.

I think you're kind of right and also really, really wrong. Especially when it comes to pulpy dumb fun, I'm not going to sit here and listen you tell me it's okay to spoil something like Game of Thrones because it needs to be appreciated on levels beyond the story (and gratuitous sex and violence.)

But if you wait until you've seen the whole episode you're going to be late to the comments section and your smartass jokes are gonna be buried way under a bunch of "load more comments" boxes. No, it's far better to chance a spoiling so you can get that choice Simpsons reference in early.

I know these ideas are out there in the aether and part of our collective cultural consciousness, so I certainly don't want to point fingers or accuse anyone of creative bankruptcy— I mean, I myself have had a few times where I've had to check myself with my own projects, thinking, did I really come up with this, or

I heard it was an old lady who turned down the offer and settled on a cash prize.

I doubt it's going away any time soon.. Problem is, it's more work NOT to make that joke.

Is his dad a ventriloquist too?

Bellona. The answer is Bellona.

An excerpt from an upcoming book I’m working on. It’s a huge big-ass book with the whole story of God and the world and love thy neighbor and all that stuff.

"The Watch, The Comb and the Magic Christmas Wizards"

"Who's That On The Roof?"

I’d like to start my review of Comedy Bang! Bang!’s final episode of the season (sob) by asking a probably pointless question: is Scott Aukerman a jerk? I don’t mean the actor and writer Scott Aukerman, who’s a lovely guy by all accounts. But we get such mixed messages about his character on the show. Now, this show

I’m sooooo sorry to Alvy Singer/Songwriter and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would’ve said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she’s in the bleachers! I’m in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!

I forget, did she direct Battle for Shaker Heights? I liked that one.

Somewhere, Tony Kushner is laughing right now.

The first time I saw this movie, I was a teenager and thought it lionized the breed of status-obsessed and self-aggrandizing hepcat on display throughout its running time. I thought they were just so fucking cool.
Almost fifteen years later, the movie is still relevant to me, but now it's because I understand who's

why the fuck is everything all numbers and shit!

Nah, don't you dare WB/DC.

Mr. Sandler came up with the idea when one of his writers told him that there's an entire continent of people that look like Chris Rock.