shia laboof

When I was in high school one of my classmates had a $2,000 stereo (quite elaborate for the time) and only two albums: Van Halen and Van Halen II. I once asked him why he didn't have any other albums and he said "Other albums?!?"

A tv show about twitter? like CNN?

I actually ended up playing through all three Bioshock games this summer, and enjoyed all of them—I found Bioshock 2 had an eh climax (hey, remember all those people you fought? Here's ALL OF THEM), but the story moved along at a good clip, and it never felt like a waste of time or pale imitation. Glad to hear someone

I actually ended up playing through all three Bioshock games this summer, and enjoyed all of them—I found Bioshock 2 had an eh climax (hey, remember all those people you fought? Here's ALL OF THEM), but the story moved along at a good clip, and it never felt like a waste of time or pale imitation. Glad to hear someone

Joaquin Phoenix, for me, is one of the most underrated actors working today. I've never seen a performance where every twitch, every movement, had as much as meaning as his did in "The Master."