Nothing will replace my Sex House.
Nothing will replace my Sex House.
Applegate's characterization of the dance teacher was basically Edina from AbFab, which desperately made me wish they did an AbFab sketch.
Applegate's characterization of the dance teacher was basically Edina from AbFab, which desperately made me wish they did an AbFab sketch.
"Californians" has good moment, but there is no reason for it to last so long. The concept that it's a three part mini soap with a big reveal never pays off. NEVER. It could completely work as a 3-5 minute sketch though.
"Californians" has good moment, but there is no reason for it to last so long. The concept that it's a three part mini soap with a big reveal never pays off. NEVER. It could completely work as a 3-5 minute sketch though.
The abrupt turn to the abortion question was great.
The abrupt turn to the abortion question was great.
It's clear how much Amy Poehler elevated Update and made Seth at least tolerable. On his own though, all I see is a man smug with his own jokes even though the delivery is always dead flat. Hell, even with Stefon on screen Seth is still mostly a wooden card reading talking head.
It's clear how much Amy Poehler elevated Update and made Seth at least tolerable. On his own though, all I see is a man smug with his own jokes even though the delivery is always dead flat. Hell, even with Stefon on screen Seth is still mostly a wooden card reading talking head.
Why MUST 90% of tv shows take place in New York City. WHY! Imagine how much more awesome this would be if Edison was still in Louisville, Kentucky.
Why MUST 90% of tv shows take place in New York City. WHY! Imagine how much more awesome this would be if Edison was still in Louisville, Kentucky.
But then what happens to our AV newsfeed :(
But then what happens to our AV newsfeed :(
@Kumagoro:disqus "I'm the one that barks (at Sookie's door)."
@Kumagoro:disqus "I'm the one that barks (at Sookie's door)."
I can never tell what the writers are intentionally doing.
I can never tell what the writers are intentionally doing.
I was doing a great job at ignoring the show's logic of explaining the world outside if these characters. But now that it's deliberating presenting that logic I may need to return to hate-watching True Blood.
I was doing a great job at ignoring the show's logic of explaining the world outside if these characters. But now that it's deliberating presenting that logic I may need to return to hate-watching True Blood.
now stay with me here, but get this: the opening scene is supposed to establish that vamps are birthing new vamps and that the humans are getting overrun. fourth tier character turned to vamp and appears out of nowhere? yes, that's how True Blood is selling this story. That, and tons of off screen action involving…