
This year? You mean the going ons of a week in Bon Temps. They really like to stay busy in the South.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus  But once Hoyt finally frees her she says she can't leave because it's daylight, so instead Hoyt leaves to find help or something. I'm only talking about how she should be bleedy and crazy.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus  But once Hoyt finally frees her she says she can't leave because it's daylight, so instead Hoyt leaves to find help or something. I'm only talking about how she should be bleedy and crazy.

What about the Jessica gaffe? They clearly state that it's daytime while she's held captive, which is why she can't escape. I thought vamps go all bleedy from the ears and mildly crazy if they aren't able to rest underground during the day?

What about the Jessica gaffe? They clearly state that it's daytime while she's held captive, which is why she can't escape. I thought vamps go all bleedy from the ears and mildly crazy if they aren't able to rest underground during the day?

This is a consistent problem with the show. Unless they make the tears stream down cheeks the post people don't know how to deal with the blood tears.

This is a consistent problem with the show. Unless they make the tears stream down cheeks the post people don't know how to deal with the blood tears.

And Sookie's only been back from her year disappearance in Faerie land for a total of maybe 1 week? 2 tops.

And Sookie's only been back from her year disappearance in Faerie land for a total of maybe 1 week? 2 tops.



It seems to me that once someone it turned, for a while they are essentially feral animals with no connection to their past human life. Human family essentially turns into heart pumping blood just like any other human. In short, depending on how the vampire was turned it's highly likely that they ate up their family

It seems to me that once someone it turned, for a while they are essentially feral animals with no connection to their past human life. Human family essentially turns into heart pumping blood just like any other human. In short, depending on how the vampire was turned it's highly likely that they ate up their family

Lucy, I love these zany True Blood twists and turns almost as much as your Dish spam comment!

Lucy, I love these zany True Blood twists and turns almost as much as your Dish spam comment!

@avclub-21a24f1e826ca72cccf69f3ae3f44902:disqus I understand your confusion about her being pregnant still. See, in True Blood, time doesn't move like you expect it to. The amount of time that has passed from our last visit to Grandpappy Brujo was maybe—maybe—a week, but probably 2 days. The fact that she disappeared

@avclub-21a24f1e826ca72cccf69f3ae3f44902:disqus I understand your confusion about her being pregnant still. See, in True Blood, time doesn't move like you expect it to. The amount of time that has passed from our last visit to Grandpappy Brujo was maybe—maybe—a week, but probably 2 days. The fact that she disappeared

Luna's "I'm getting angry in this hospital bed" scene was horrible.

Luna's "I'm getting angry in this hospital bed" scene was horrible.

@avclub-ea27c2dbc24754e3a7039c07f6c0ace4:disqus by four years, you actually mean 1 year and 3 weeks right? Because that's the amount of time that has passed over the duration of this show.