
@avclub-ea27c2dbc24754e3a7039c07f6c0ace4:disqus by four years, you actually mean 1 year and 3 weeks right? Because that's the amount of time that has passed over the duration of this show.

CGI Warlow face in the bathroom was my laugh out loud moment. Sam on Sam almost kissing was cringe/laugh worthy. I'm finally starting to believe this show is ready to go all out with the silliness.

CGI Warlow face in the bathroom was my laugh out loud moment. Sam on Sam almost kissing was cringe/laugh worthy. I'm finally starting to believe this show is ready to go all out with the silliness.

I just can't buy the Bill going bad thing like this (unless he was always secretly bad). In terms of the show's timeframe, this flipflop is out of nowhere. No convincing, transitioning, no stockholm syndrome. Just one taste of "Lilith blood" and character consistency is out the window.

I just can't buy the Bill going bad thing like this (unless he was always secretly bad). In terms of the show's timeframe, this flipflop is out of nowhere. No convincing, transitioning, no stockholm syndrome. Just one taste of "Lilith blood" and character consistency is out the window.

Maybe (s)he is in transition, and that's just a larger statement since (s)he's also a shifter?!?!?!?!

Maybe (s)he is in transition, and that's just a larger statement since (s)he's also a shifter?!?!?!?!

Lafayette is out investigating and becoming a prisoner, and Terry is on the run by hiding out in an open field. So….there are no cooks left at Merlotte's. Sam is basically the only bartender and he's gone. Arlene is watching wedding videos in the back room…

Lafayette is out investigating and becoming a prisoner, and Terry is on the run by hiding out in an open field. So….there are no cooks left at Merlotte's. Sam is basically the only bartender and he's gone. Arlene is watching wedding videos in the back room…

@avclub-c32efcb7f667f6c5def39db8eda2e6ce:disqus Too much plotline convolution! How can they setup AND refute the vampires as parents killers in only 4-5 episodes? This is the whole motivation for Jason's character arc this season, and it's going to be that flimsy?

@avclub-c32efcb7f667f6c5def39db8eda2e6ce:disqus Too much plotline convolution! How can they setup AND refute the vampires as parents killers in only 4-5 episodes? This is the whole motivation for Jason's character arc this season, and it's going to be that flimsy?

I guess everyone's confusion is proof of how poorly telegraphed that scene was, including its brevity.

@Kumagoro:disqus Scott must be hurting for cash or something. I guess so was Chris Meloni? Maybe after this season wrapped they both got beers, put their heads in their hands, then cried it out.

@Kumagoro:disqus Scott must be hurting for cash or something. I guess so was Chris Meloni? Maybe after this season wrapped they both got beers, put their heads in their hands, then cried it out.

All I want to know is what is with the lack of Asians in the south? And I mean hate groups or otherwise. With all the technology at play with the Authority, I half expected there to be Asian tech support vamps based on how this show operates. I mean, do you see how many white people there are in Bon Temps? This really

All I want to know is what is with the lack of Asians in the south? And I mean hate groups or otherwise. With all the technology at play with the Authority, I half expected there to be Asian tech support vamps based on how this show operates. I mean, do you see how many white people there are in Bon Temps? This really

The S3 retcon was a horrible reveal this episode. So, Salome was lurking around in the shadows observing for a year? She had no imperative to dig him up faster, or hell, maybe before the concrete sets so no one notices?

The S3 retcon was a horrible reveal this episode. So, Salome was lurking around in the shadows observing for a year? She had no imperative to dig him up faster, or hell, maybe before the concrete sets so no one notices?

Really? REALLY? If Claudette is the parents' murderer and this is how they're handling it, holy shit snacks what dreck.

Really? REALLY? If Claudette is the parents' murderer and this is how they're handling it, holy shit snacks what dreck.