
It kind of felt like something ripped out of Xena or Hercules, right? But without the camp. :(

This is all in the hands of smoke monster now.

The next time on True Blood teasers are reaching Mad Men levels of being totally useless/intentional comical misdirection.

The next time on True Blood teasers are reaching Mad Men levels of being totally useless/intentional comical misdirection.

Apparently that was all Salome "capturing" Russell, after freeing him, to then free him again.

Apparently that was all Salome "capturing" Russell, after freeing him, to then free him again.

And Lost. Bon Temps is just a sideways universe.

And Lost. Bon Temps is just a sideways universe.

This isn't over the top craziness for me. It seems like it could eventually get there, which is why I watch, but it probably never will.

What makes you think I ever enjoyed Lost?

They build the bridge on one end while they burn it on the other end.

They build the bridge on one end while they burn it on the other end.

and drinking cheap ass beer with the bros in the den,

and drinking cheap ass beer with the bros in the den,

You got me there. Sophie-Ann feels like something that look place in a different show, in a different decade.

You got me there. Sophie-Ann feels like something that look place in a different show, in a different decade.

See, I'm approaching True Blood like a broken marriage. The beers I drink while watching are like the kid I agree to having, hoping that maybe that will make everything better while knowing there is no hope. I live for self inflicted pain.

Her appearance out of a drop of blood (that dripped from nowhere) falling into a blood puddle was, um, awkward. It didn't feel earned. The fact that the carnage of the scene is what likely brought her presence, but we never actually see the attacks escalating and conjuring her is weak.

Her appearance out of a drop of blood (that dripped from nowhere) falling into a blood puddle was, um, awkward. It didn't feel earned. The fact that the carnage of the scene is what likely brought her presence, but we never actually see the attacks escalating and conjuring her is weak.

I think asking anything of this show is our problem.