
I think asking anything of this show is our problem.

You got it! This doesn't feel like a show that is trying to be an enjoyable ride anymore. This isn't over the top fun craziness. Rather, it's tedious plot lines that take a mind numbingly long time to tell.

You got it! This doesn't feel like a show that is trying to be an enjoyable ride anymore. This isn't over the top fun craziness. Rather, it's tedious plot lines that take a mind numbingly long time to tell.

Ghost Roman vs. Illusion Lilith, a Bon Temps brawl to the true death.

Ghost Roman vs. Illusion Lilith, a Bon Temps brawl to the true death.

I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion that this season is going to end in the twist reveal that Bill was the man that killed Sooki's parents, thus making him the shock villain for season 6 in an attempt to stop the expansion of characters and world building.

I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion that this season is going to end in the twist reveal that Bill was the man that killed Sooki's parents, thus making him the shock villain for season 6 in an attempt to stop the expansion of characters and world building.

No, it's those two options or they reveal that Hoyt has a supernatural background. When in doubt, add a supernatural background.

No, it's those two options or they reveal that Hoyt has a supernatural background. When in doubt, add a supernatural background.

He tried dating one other girl. One. If that was the only try needed before becoming a violent and depressed extremist then I'm staying the hell away from Bon Temps.

He tried dating one other girl. One. If that was the only try needed before becoming a violent and depressed extremist then I'm staying the hell away from Bon Temps.

The problem is that this is the entirety of his character's backstory. Insensitive military soldier. Period. That's already been covered in the flashbacks and his general dialogue. The muslim line was needlessly foul as it didn't change any perceptions of his character, and too obviously lit the neon "this character

The problem is that this is the entirety of his character's backstory. Insensitive military soldier. Period. That's already been covered in the flashbacks and his general dialogue. The muslim line was needlessly foul as it didn't change any perceptions of his character, and too obviously lit the neon "this character

4 and half seasons too late.

4 and half seasons too late.

Yes @eric827:disqus , we really are going to have that scene. It might even have an empowered Arlene shouting at the smoke monster all the nice things about Terry, and how he's a stand up father.

Yes @eric827:disqus , we really are going to have that scene. It might even have an empowered Arlene shouting at the smoke monster all the nice things about Terry, and how he's a stand up father.

@avclub-8d21481602b5ba3b34a3b6861dbde2e1:disqus Nooo! You are so right! But where does that leave Jessica in the mix?

@avclub-8d21481602b5ba3b34a3b6861dbde2e1:disqus Nooo! You are so right! But where does that leave Jessica in the mix?

Every Sunday, we all lose an hour of lives in the attempt of being entertained. It is now bordering on insanity since we are expecting different results from the dreck that has been delivered these last 7 weeks.