Lobsters 1

Yee yee, it's me - Lobsters 1 and I'm back to help you. Right now the most important think is getting back in shape physically and mentally. You have suffered a traumatic experience and this is no time to worry about Big Issues like what you are going to do a career. That may be important but right now thinking about

Yeah, that's true. Ya know, I don't fuckin' care about Louis CK, Rush Limbaugh, Gret Van Something, or any of this stuff. I'm thinking about blowing off this AV Club scene. I'm too funny for this horseshit.

She just doesn't like Louis CK.

Hughes should have remade the whole thing from Rooney's point of view.

Are you kidding? If I knock up a teenage girl I won't have to work. We can live in a government funded dump and smoke crack all day while the working jerks pay our bills. And when we get caught stealing shit to pay for our drugs the Squares will pay for our Lawyer and some Judge whose afraid of the liberals will let

It's cool. I really did like your longer post about "Fight Club". You are no schmuck.

Dude died in New Orleans just like Johnny Thunders. Think about it, man.

Remember when Jane Krakowski used to Guest Host on that show with Regis? She's The Best!

Craftsmen are cool. Get into Michael Curtis and Robert Aldrich AWREADY!

I cry at so many goofy Movies I don't even notice it. A few weeks ago I came into the last half hour of "The Road Warrior" and got really choked up over the Warrior Woman and the Paralyzed Guy's Death, Max and The Feral Kid in the truck, Max and the Flying Man looking at each other when Max realizes he's been tricked,

Uh . . . It's my turn to clean out the rabbit hutch!

Are you fucking with me? It's like you're kidding with me and trying to make me feel weird.

Ex-MTV Viewer Therepy, BITCH

One night I heard him being interviewed on a Radio Show and the Host asked him if he thought he could make the transition from Acting to Directing like Clint Eastwood or Ron Howard and he said "Yeah, after making all those Movies and working with a lot of good Directors I think I could Direct a Movie." The Host asked

That was very good.

If there's one thing I've got to Thank you youngsters for is preventing me from looking at Pitchfork even once.

You can blame me. I don't care.

Oh, she is SO HOT!!!

I'd forgotten all about "The Game" and now I can't wait to see it.

That guy is awesome.