Lobsters 1

Take it easy, it's just a Movie. "Fight Club" is pretty good but it's fans are silly.

I use birth control in my Dream Life.

Telling people how to talk is no better than telling them how to fuck.

Maybe you should give Bill Ayers a call.

Well, Obama and the Democrats really are a pretty shitty bunch of people. Limbaugh's been rather polite about the worthless cunts.

Yeah! The "Message To Self" Guy.

I've never denied that he's lost advertisers. But that list is a scam. It's not a list of companies that have just dumped Limbaugh, it is a list of companies that ALWAYS declined to advertise on any Conservative Radio Shows for years. Why can't you understand that?

Tonight on "Louie": Louie and Special Guest Chris Rock get into an epic feud over who was to blame for "Pootie Tang", finally agreeing to blame every thing on the guy who played Pootie. With Lance Crouthier as "Pizza Delivery Guy"

Van Susteren's not allowed to talk about Louis CK because she's never covered him on her show? Are you really saying that?

I've got a bunch of CDs and DVDs with Richard Pryor saying stupid stuff. It's hilarious.


Of course it's not uncommon. The worst people in America have been at it for years. But don't us give this "Poor Innocent Private Citizen" shit. She was there to KICK ASS and can't get over getting kicked back.

I'm not big on the details - Cause I don't give a fuck - but some reporter asked Romney what he thought about the Limbaugh Controversy and apparently he failed to say "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat drug addict Nazi pig and the first thing I will do after being sworn into office is have him shot!" because everyone says he

Because they aren't whores?

That would be really exciting if any of those companies had ever advertised on his show.

You weren't listening - That was Red Skelton.

And your Mom is STILL fourteen?

At least he doesn't have to work for Chris Rock anymore.

If it wasn't for Limbaugh Oxycontin would be COOL!!

Yeah, now we have the real Underground stuff like Earblast!