Lobsters 1

I think everybody at the dinner will have one or two more chances to see and be entertained by CK in the future.

Oh, they were jokes, allright! Jokes about SANDRA FLUKE!!!

Close up of Lobsters 1 looking shocked

Yeah, and now she'll probably be the Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2024. Cheers to her!

Could you have worked in something about Jay Leno?

Yay! Now Louis CK is a VICTIM!

I didn't say anything negative about Louis CK. I said that there are a lot of people who find his brand of Comic Entertainment distasteful and when he was booked to perform at a private function Greta Van Susteren planned to attend she was very unhappy. Ya know, Guided By Voices are my Favorite Band and if they were

I've never really watched Olbermann. Is he really crazy? I'm only going on what I've heard and read here, but he sounds like a genuine loon.

Yeah, but why would he want to do the Jimmy Fallon Show?

Why? Are you an AGENT!?! Huh?! Huh?!?

God, John Kerry and Jon Stewart on TV at the same time. Now THAT is diguisting.

The fucking nerve of that Patricia Heaton! Telling JOKES!

Jon Stewart is driving an agenda. But it's your agenda too, so you'll never admit it. I haven't enough attention to Stewart's boring show to know if he has ever said anything as "disgusting*" as Limbaugh. I don't that much attention to Limbaugh, either. They're just a couple of dopes who are impossible to tune out.

If it wasn't for my influence you wouldn't have used the phrase "little bitch".

Fluke speaks for ALL Women. You know that!

Hey, guys! I just found out that Larry The Cable Guy has been booked for your High School Reunion! How do you feel about that?

Arguing at the AV Club is as bad as Shiloh or Gettysburg? Good thing you weren't born one hundred and fifty years earlier. You wouldn't have made it to the age of two.

I used to respond "Pay for your own birth control, you fucking slut!" in a desperate attempt to distract the teacher from yelling at me. Then I'd tell a joke about my "Faggy Shirt" with pictures of little guys blowing each other all over it.

The most common conservative argument always starts, "Okay, so I'm a homophobe, who the fuck cares?"

Tom Lennon and Ben Garant just a script about all this to Warner Brothers for one million dollars.