Lobsters 1

I think it makes it easier to sell advertising.

More boring shit.

"Space Ghost" is over.

It's Van Susteren's room.

Law Student and Professional Political Activist Managed By Former Members Of The Obama Administration.

They're all a piece of shit but Bill Maher is a piece of shit that got stuck to the bottom of your shoe and got all over the inside of your car and your living room carpet and got the cat so freaked out it pissed all over the couch.

He's reciting his Favorite Bill Hicks routines to himself.

CNN doesn't want any attention. And they're doing great!

Anybody who has a bit called "Fuck The Jews" is trying too hard.

Here's a question for all you Limbaugh experts - Which of the current Republican Presidential Candidates has he endorsed?

I really doubt if she was talking about Louis CK. She was probably saying that Army guy who killed all those people in Afghanistan was George W Bush's fault.

Norm who? Norm McDonald? I don't think he's popular enough to be referred to merely as "Norm". How about "That Guy Who Was In 'Dirty Work' And Looked Like He Was Going To Be Successful For A While"? Everybody will recognize that guy.

"valuable to society"?


Who gives a shit what UMD did?

Just boring.

Totally boring.

This is really boring.

This is boring.

I fucked up and though he was talking about Stewart instead of CK and wrote a whole bit about Limbaugh interviewing Springsteen instead of Stewart.