Lobsters 1

It would be cool if Limbaugh interviewed Springsteen for Rolling Stone.

Jon Stewart has been doggedly chasing "political relevance" from the days he was performing at Comedy Open Mikes in the Village. In those days he was known as "That Dick Who Hangs Around With Dave Attel".

He has that book, too.

"a powerless person"? I bet a lot of women wish they had the power to go to Georgetown Law School and Advocate for some Political cause for money.

I'm in the "Not Paying Attention" category.

What? I'm supposed to be quiet about that? What's in it for me?

If Richard Pryor had been put on Live Radio for three hours five days a week I'm pretty sure he would have said something incredibly stupid and gotten in trouble about halfway through the first show. It would have had more laughs in one show than Limbaugh has had in his whole career, but after that one show they would

Yes, and most of them will be back. My post was about a deliberate lie the Media has been foisting on people all day.

I read in a review of his last book that he Writes about that in it. I'm sorry I posted that.

Peter Bergman: "I'm Dead! I'm Dead! And nobody at the AV Club cares but that Racist Homophobe Asshole Lobsters 1! My Life has had no meaning!"

I think it's hilarious. I bet this morning on CNN Soledad O'Brian was waving her hands around, hyperventalating, and using clips from Louis CK's last "Tonight Show"  appearance to prove that he doesn't curse.

These douchebag Comics today knocking themselves trying to be Lenny Bruce crack me up. Lenny Bruce never sat around waiting to be invited to any High Society Washington DC events or being offered a Sit Com on NBC. He did the kind of act he liked to do and never expected to do anything but perform in Nighclubs, maybe

Black raised a kid for years before he found out some other guy was it's Father. Unlike Limbaugh, Maher, CK, etc. we know exactly why he's pissed off no matter what he happens to ranting about at the moment.

I've heard and read three thousand people a day talking about that for a week.

And it's when you start demanding to sit at the big table that you stop being a Funny Guy and become a Pain In The Ass.

Doug Stanhope tonight: "Look! Look! I got quoted on the AV Club comments thing!! I . . . Aw, I gotta change my pants again . . . "

To most people "Fuckin' women!" and "Fuckin' microwave!" are equally offensive.

You know that Big List of Companies that suddenly refuse to advertise on Limbaugh's show the News Media has been waving around for the past day or so? It's a list of Companies that have never had any interest in advertising on Talk Radio Shows FOR YEARS.

Don't want it. It smells bad.

That's the whole point. You, me, and most of the people here don't have a problem with CK saying that stuff but there are millions of people who do. Go ahead and call them assholes all you want, but that doesn't help. People might be able to put up with all this Screaming And Cursing but tell em that they're assholes