Lobsters 1

Let's go through this thread post by post and count all the positive things I have said about Mister Rush Limbaugh.

There sure aren't any bitching, complaining petulant liberals here right now,

Maher shits on the powerful? He just gave a Million Dollars to The Most Powerful Man On Earth.

No matter how much you like Louis CK, there are still huge amounts of people who think loud sweaty guys who go onstage in Night Clubs and say "Fuck" and "Shit" every five sceonds are just creeps. If Greta Van Susteren is one of those people she has all the right in the World not to want to have Louis CK performing at

Jon Stewart wants desperately to be taken seriously.

So now there are Rules About The Right Way to be a Bad Ass Take No Prisoners Call Em As You See Em Rebel With A Microphone and The Wrong Way to be a Bad Ass Take No Prisoners Call Em As You See Em Rebel With A Microphone?

They've been ranting at us about that very point for days and days now.

Yeah yeah yeah, Fifty years of Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, Howard Stern, Eddie Murphy, Denis Leary, Chris Rock, etc. and people are supposed be enraged that Rush Limbaugh called somebody a "slut". And after almost two weeks of liberals screaming at America that it's time to stand up to the

Well, FUCK, they really are mighty weird and noisy.

Almost One Thirty PM on Monday and nothing about Bergman. But nothing about the Louis CK Washington Correspondent's Brouhaha so that almost makes up for it. But if you run "Firesign Theater" through the AV Club search thingie you will find an excellent Bergman interview. So no Bergman obit? No respect for The Firesign

Well, it's pretty crazy stuff, not exactly Andy Samberg putting on a wig and dress for Sarah Palin bit. If somebody thinks The Firesign Theater is too weird and noisy, hey, I'm not gonna argue with em.

Vanessa Hudgens!

I wish you hadn't told me that.

I wouldn't want that to get around Sparta, Chief.


"Gimme Danger" by Joe Ambrose. It's okay, one of Rock books you buy when you're bored. His Big Stupid Premise is that Iggy is a Douche for kicking drugs, going Pro, and making some money. I guess if Iggy had OD'd in 1985 this guy would think he was Jesus. If Iggy died today the NY Times obit would compare him to John


Oh! I forgot to mention the forty five minute Giggle Fit I experienced after viewing those "HOT!" pictures of Taylor Swift in a bikini.

The best Israeli Pop Culture thing I've ever seen is that goofy Teen Movie "Goin' Steady". You had a bad experience dancing in Israel? In "Goin' Steady" the kids do this big group dance to "Tequila" that's really crazy. Is that what happened to you?

But how about when Hemmings is driving his car and singing "ALL OF MEEEE!! WHY NOT TAKE AAAALLLL OF MEEEE!!!"?