Lobsters 1

Do it so they're talking about Strawberry Cheesecake instead of weed.

Yeah, but I bet they had to put up with fuckin' assholes just like everybody else in the World.

Yeah, I feel kinda crummy about raggin' on her.

She was totally cute and hot and funny - Almost FIFTY FUCKIN' YEARS AGO!

She is well known for her aversion to soap and water.

That's another thing about the Plague - Not only do the Dead come back, but Hair grows back. Towards the end of "Night Of The Living Dead" you can see Harry starting to get a little fuzzy.

Hey, you're really onto something there!

I bet Shane wears those sunglasses that you wear backwards on your neck when you're inside.

Kristen Chenowith is a Total Babe.

Dig Shane in that picture - He's TUFF!!!

They should have an ad with Kristen Chenowith falling out of a building.

I'll keep an ear out for any Patients ranting about Brenda Song or "Night Of The Living Dead".

Yes, I am writing Comedy routines. Like Spike Milligan and Woody Allen wrote Comedy routines.

And don't forget, David Wain is "brilliant".

Yeah, well. I'm doing my pod cast anyway. Wrote twenty pages of good stuff in the past two days, lost about thirty pages of stuff at work (I think a Patient got hold of it*), and I've got another two hundred scattered around the apartment. I've got a Movie Script all finished but Hollywood? Me? "Makes Me Wanna Puke!"

I've got a Shift Key and I'm gonna USE it!

I'm moving to Australia.

Why don't they write about Skippy Schowalski's "Me And My Moose"? That's a cute comedy podcast!

Awesome Dude. He's been a Huge Influence on My Aging and I owe him A LOT.

No, kiddin'. Same shit week after week. Yeah, we ALREADY know about every one of these shows. Why even do the fuckin' column anymore?