
Difficult to say… season 1 does have "Celestial Navigation," but season 3 also has "Bartlet for America." It's a tough call.

I have heard that both the third pearl and the ice island were supposed to be their own full-length dungeons before the development schedule got too crunched at the end. This is also the reason there are so many near-identical islands. Given more time I bet there also would have been another Windfall/Outset-esque town

Also wanted to drill in the ANWR, but yeah, that and tax cuts were about it. He was moderate at worst on health care, anti-war, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, at least in private. And an atheist strictly in favor of separation of church and state! In fact, if the fact that he was an atheist was public knowledge (I

Agree about the gray locations of The World Is Not Enough. Interestingly, I thought the idea of gray, dull locations for Bond standards was explored pretty interestingly just two movies back with post-Soviet Russia in GoldenEye. Of course, that movie transitioned to Cuba at the end, while TWINE was dull right to the

I have also heard that Charlize Theron (or her agent, at least) straight-up cold called Mitch Hurtwitz and company and asked to be on Arrested Development. Mr. F!

I remember that in Parenthood - an episode ended with a certain character getting hit by a car (in the classic side-tracking camera suddenly reveals an oncoming car, BOOM! style) then it went to the SERIOUS end credits music. It was Parenthood's version of "Shit just got real."

I agree. Except for a smattering of episodes ("The Supremes" being one of them), the White House stuff was never very good again post-Sorkin. I was really digging the election story though, despite their insistence on making Vinick so moderate it just became unlikely this dude would ever be a GOP candidate.

Season 3 might be a little more consistent start to finish (and has "Bartlet for America"), but season 2 kicked off with "In the Shadow of Two Gunmen" and wrapped up with the arc from "17 People" to "Two Cathedrals," so I say it wins. The proper ranking goes 2, 3, 1, 4, 7, 6, 5.

There were a good 20-25 episodes that really demanded an alternate, more somber end credits theme.

I'm in the same boat… love love love Community, to the extent I'd call it one of my top five favorite sitcoms of all time. But, at a certain point, wrapping up is good. The idea of Harmon seriously trying to keep it going into seasons 7, 8, 9, etc. makes me cringe.

MeowMeowBeenz was my favorite of S5 too.

I am optimistic. I really enjoyed almost all of season 5 (except, disappointingly, the two-part finale, which ended the season pretty limply - Lava World, polygraphy, MeowMeowBeenz made up for it though). At the same time, I think they should stick to the "six seasons and a movie" rallying cry and try to wrap it up

I'm glad you said it, because I thought the same thing. Diamonds Are Forever is my #23 out of 23 least favorite official Bond film. Connery might be a lot younger than Roger Moore in A View to a Kill, but he's visibly less interested than Moore (or any other Bond actor) ever was. Blofeld's depiction and evil plot in

This disrespect of Octopussy shall not stand! People focus in on Roger Moore in a clown suit at the expense of everything else, but that movie has a lot of stuff going for it. Along with From Russia With Love, For Your Eyes Only and The Living Daylights, it is one of the movies with a plot most wrapped up in Cold War

Legend of the Seeker.

Even that is too kind for me. I find his acting distractingly, cringe-inducingly bad, especially compared to Maia Mitchell, and if he gets written off the show I won't be sad for a minute.

I care! Well, not much about Hawaii 5-0 or Blue Bloods or Last Man Standing or Cristela, but I do like Hart of Dixie! It's a cute show. And it has two Friday Night Lights alums in its starring cast, which certainly doesn't hurt in my FNL fanboy eyes.

I know the scene you are talking about; I specifically remember thinking, wow, that was as well-staged and well-filmed and all-around badass as a big screen film action sequence. Same for the big action blowout on the freighter in "The Promise."

I loved her. Her physical presence in the fight scenes was as great as anyone else on the show.

Gorilla Grodd lives!