
Haha, holy shit, this sounds DELIGHTFULLY nuts. I'm excited.

It's more of a nerd thing than a hipster thing. And if you hang out in your local comic book/tabletop gaming store on a daily basis, sure, you will definitely see the legendary fedora'd neckbeard at some point. But the way internet people talk about them, you'd think there was unavoidable, reeking hoards of them

You almost never see guys wearing them because the perfect archetypical internet fedora neckbeard is barely even a thing that actually exists in the real world; it's a largely fictitious boogeyman created so internet people have something to feel superior to.

Please put all the Disney Afternoon shows on Netflix! TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck… good times.

Why stop there? Bring back DuckTales, TaleSpin, Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, and Darkwing Duck - the whole 1991 Disney Afternoon lineup back together! All I will need is fruit roll-ups, Kraft cheese slices, and an NES and I will be able to relive my after-school kindergarten days in their entirety! In all seriousness,

I would move Community 2 (which might be my second favorite TV season of the last ten years after Friday Night Lights season 1) and Parks and Rec 3 to the top, and also move Community 5 and Parks and Rec 7 up a couple tiers. Otherwise, a not-disagreeable ranking.

Final Fantasy VI definitely hit a steampunk/fantasy sweet spot.

The Office had actually done a pretty good job figuring itself out by episode 2. I remember laughing my ass off at "Diversity Day."

I'm over 4000 points!

One possibility I haven't seen mentioned for Agent Carter is that it might do a British TV-style thing and, instead of being brought back in a year, take a year off and come back in early 2017 for miniseries number 2. It's not unheard of in American TV. (24, for example, took a year off between seasons 6 and 7.) The

Michael J Fox started decently, but then dived down to a 1.0 by episode 10 and never went past that again. And weren't About a Boy's ratings juiced by putting it after The Voice?

It has not been a great season for CBS. Big Bang Theory still slays, of course, but The Mentalist and CSI both went out humiliatingly soft, The Millers canceled, Stalker doing horribly and will be canceled, and their two biggest new "hits," NCIS: New Orleans and Scorpion, are just barely doing above a 2.0 (which would

Power Rankings was like some confusing mix of ratings AND critical acclaim blended into one, right? Sadly, the two did not mix like peanut butter and chocolate - it was more of an oil and water situation.

What the hell? AV Club was way out in the internet forefront of lavishing Parks and Rec with glowing praise and sticking it way at the top of its best-of-the-year lists. If it was treated "shabbily," then I can't think of many shows they've ever treated well. Did you perhaps post this from Bizarro Earth?

Well, I guess we have a fundamental difference of views here, because in "making some pop-culture references," Community became one of the most deeply human sitcoms of all time for me, because it's pretty much the only thing I've ever watched that actually reflected in its dialogue and stories roughly the percentage

If Keanu Reeves is unexpectedly given Best Actor for John Wick, I will declare this the greatest Oscars ever.

I liked it. I mean, I didn't LOVE it, and I've only seen it the one time when it was in theaters, but when I saw it I was like "That was pretty good. B+."

Loved him in Octopussy. "Mr. Bond is indeed a rare breed… soon to be made extinct!"

Minus somewhat weak villains, I've always loved Living Daylights. It's one of John Barry's best Bond scores (and his last one).

Disagree very much. Kamal Khan isn't top-tier Bond villain or anything, but he's wonderfully, nauseatingly smug in a way that makes it delightful when Bond turns it around on him, such as in the casino scene with his fixed dice and his double sixes. And Octopussy is a lot of fun! Great score, knife-throwing twins,