
Hahaha, thanks for reminding me why I stopped reading and posting on this piece of shit website two years ago.

That's actually a pretty cool trailer… but I've been tricked into being optimistic about Heroes before.

I shall watch The Man With the Golden Gun tonight in his honor. An actor second to none.

I didn't even find out General Ourumov from GoldenEye died until, like, a month after it happened.

I just loved the way he looked around cautiously first, like he was confessing a dark, forbidden secret. Because as a young nerdy guy with a young nerdy social circle, holy shit, that is EXACTLY how I felt every time last month I defied the Church of Marvel and said how I really felt about Age of Ultron out loud.

'Grats appreciated.

A winner is me! I'd like to thank ABC for greenlighting Manhattan Love Story, without the brutal failure and swift cancellation of which I would stand merely a pretender.

As a box office nerd, I'm really curious to see if Furious 7 can achieve that final leap and surpass Avengers to become #3 all-time worldwide. Its box office has slowed down to a glacial crawl, but the ability of even a glacial crawl to achieve $50 million over a couple more months shouldn't be discounted.

Yay, the first time in my life I've ever been part of a closely-watched race for first place!

20-point lead… this is a risky situation.

If liking Terminator 2 is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

I'm one of those introverted nerdlords who feels anxious in big crowds, so I almost always go to weekday showings for big movies after they have had a few days to cool down. (I MAY make an opening Friday exception for Star Wars. Maybe. We'll see.) So I'm seeing it on Thursday.

I have a weird relationship with indie films. I go to the massively-acclaimed ones all the critics proclaim to be masterworks, and tend to be bored by them. Then when I find an indie film that completely speaks to me and I love and want to recommend to everyone, I get online and find out that apparently it's fucking

I would argue Iron Man 3. I love Shane Black, though.

I had blocked that out. I honestly think Bourne Legacy is one of the five or so worst movies I've seen in a theater this decade.

He's the Jeff Winger of the MCU.


I should jump on the Allegiance bandwagon, but fuck it, I'mma go with Weird Loners. Rarely does a show smell more like cancellation from the word go.

Mark Hamill has been proving he's a kick-ass voice actor - mostly with villainous roles - for a couple decades now. Good to see that that extends to him doing his young, more nasal Luke voice really well today.

The far right HAS figured that out - gay marriage (er, ugh, "defending traditional marriage") was mentioned exactly once at the 2012 RNC, in a midday speech by a nobody, and I'll bet a million bucks it is mentioned 0 times in 2016. Any GOP operative who has even the slightest finger on the pulse of anything knows