
Great trailer. New John Williams music, I think. No matter what, this damn movie will sound terrific.

Wheeeeenever I get a wee bit scared I hum a little tune… hum dee-diddily hum-dee-do.

In demo ratings, it got a 4.2, otherwise translated to those who don't read TV demo as "really, really goddamn huge." Only The Walking Dead and Empire outrate it in terms of scripted TV this year (even the once-colossal Big Bang Theory has now fallen into the 3.x range).

I dream a dream of getting over 5,000 points… can you cancel Weird Loners this week and make this dream come true for me, Fox? Make my dreams come true.

Shit, I didn't realize. *sadly deletes Game of Thrones and all other non-Louie shows from DVR*

A lot of my favorite genre shows, such as Buffy/Angel, Fringe, Avatar: TLA, and Arrow/Flash, have a good mix of some standalone episodes with mythology mixed in, and pure serialized arc episodes (usually amping up the arc episodes the deeper it gets into the season). But there's also room in my heart for more purely

I am fine with all the Netflix MCU series (and the Guardians of the Galaxy subseries, for that matter) existing largely independent of the "core" MCU Avengers storyline. Like many things, there's a happy medium; referencing and crossover is great in some things, but I don't ALWAYS need it. It's kind of nice to have a

Personally, in terms of TV comedy, I find myself more looking forward to Silicon Valley coming back in a couple days and kind of forgot Louie was even coming back till just now (probably since I've seen 53 episodes of Louie and only 8 of Silicon Valley, so it's just the fresher thing at the moment). Not to say I don't

I like it a lot; still wouldn't be anywhere near my top 20 for the decade though. But I did put it in my top 10 of 2012.

Spring Breakers, The Secret World of Arrietty

I was disappointed by SH: Game of Shadows. I did not like it nearly as much as the first one.

I wouldn't go quite that far, but I would rank it below 1 and 3. My ranking would go like:
1. M:I3 (B+)
2. M:I1 (B)
3. M:I:GP (B-)
4. M:I2 (C-)

I have only seen the movie the one time in theaters back when it came out, but I really loved it and totally endorse its placement here (and I was "eh" at best on Shutter Island, so I'm not saying this as some kind of hardcore Scorsese booster or anything). It was just a totally manic, breathless, kinetic, explosively

Misses the "this decade" mark by a solid 8 years. Great flick, though!

I found M:I:GP overrated too. It has an awesome first half which peaks brilliantly in the Burj Khalifa sequence. Then it almost immediately dies and limps its way to the finish. The villain is also super bland (though the same actor played a vastly superior villain in John Wick, so I don't blame him).

You kid, but I'm seriously hoping some pure action flick makes the top 20, just to shake things up. John Wick would be acceptable.

He's the man you send to kill the fuckin' Boogeyman. I think such a thing is clearly top 50 worthy.

I loved 90% of it, but the ending kind of lost me. I've only seen it the once though and would like to rewatch it at some point.

I got SHORTS! Every fuckin' color!

I've never, ever liked The Game. Everything about it rang stupid and hollow to me. So that is my pick. Mostly a big Fincher fan otherwise, though.