
The Vampire Diaries was the CW's #1 show for some time, able to steadily surpass a 1.0 (which is sadly a big deal on the CW). Supernatural could sometimes do the same. Arrow actually only did ok in its first two seasons. I remember seeing it as low as 0.7 early last year. But now it is doing quite well, up to fairly

It seems the WNRR doesn't cover CW shows, but it's also worth noting that The Flash went up from a 1.3 for its previous episode to a 1.5 this week. I don't have The Vampire Diaries' demo ratings from February 2010 handy, but I have to imagine that a 1.5 for a 13th episode of a series is unprecedented in the CW's

If The Following got a third season, I expect Sleepy Hollow will too.

KotH's politics vary from episode to episode and season to season. There are lots of stories where Hank's conservatism is challenged and he learns lessons about being more tolerant and progressive; there are also more than a few episodes that end with him triumphantly defeating his liberal opponent of the week in a

Well, sure, but once you've already watched all of Spartacus twice and are like "Damn, what now?", the answer is Banshee!

In retrospect, I really think they should have just left Jeremy dead after killing him off in season 4. It was a great Elena story, pretty much negated in emotional impact by his revival, and he's done jack shit since.

Nashville is my ultimate TV guilty pleasure. I spend almost all of every episode going "God, this is stupid," but I always watch every episode immediately, so it's not like I can claim I don't like it.

As mentioned in the review, this story reminds me very, very much of a story arc JJ Abrams did in Felicity's first season way back in 1998 (seventeen years ago! God, how does time fly), to the extent of it being near-identical at points - with the big exception that in Felicity it was made clear that the victim DID

Nice review. I rewatched season 1 recently too. Hank has a bunch more lines on his face than he does in the rest of the series and looks a lot older. There's a bit of awkwardness as the show tries to figure out its tone, but by the time you get to the boggle and constipation episodes it has pretty much worked things

Gotham will certainly air its second season. After Empire, it's still Fox's second-biggest live action scripted show. It could see a budget cut though.

I wonder what the opposite of this would be - the most successful launch season for a network in recent memory? The best I can come up with is ABC's 2004-2005 season, which debuted Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Desperate Housewives, and Boston Legal.

I agree with that. Gorons and Zora would look pretty silly live-action, but great in animation.

"“What The World Needs Now” is a neocon nightmare." Huh? Admittedly I only half pay attention to Glee these days, but I don't think I missed any scenes where they outlined the lack of WMDs in Iraq or advocated for non-interventionist policies or reduced military spending.

Didn't they kill her off? I haven't seen or particularly thought about the show in the last four years and my memories are getting pretty fuzzy, but I think I remember that happening.

That was so weird, because they did bring back Brandon Routh's supervillain in the last season… to appear and be defeated again in one episode. Why wasn't he the show's final climactic arc villain?

I really loved this show for the first couple seasons (and still have the first season DVD set sitting on my shelf to this day to prove it). After that though the mysteries just got a bit too predictable and simplistic and I largely stopped watching. I shouldn't be able to figure out the solutions before the best

Most of the first season was pretty good (though the finale was massively anticlimactic and disappointing). I bet Bryan Fuller's involvement had something to do with that.

According to IMDb, Masi Oka has not worked on the SFX side of things since Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in 2006.

Netflix has also uploaded the complete series of Spartacus. FUUUCK YEAAAAHH SPAAARRTACUUS!!!!!!!!

Of the many TV show revivals we've had in the last few years (Arrested Development, Veronica Mars, 24, The Comeback, maybe now The X-Files?) this is surely the most perplexing. At the end of its run, Heroes was so hated that even its biggest fans had turned on it, it had lost approximately 85% of its peak viewership,