
Oh damn, 3000 points, here I come! That's gonna be so sweet.

Glad to see that Parenthood, one of my favorite shows of recent years, went out with, by current NBC standards, fairly respectable numbers.

Good call about that the Transatlanticism sequence. I remember watching that when it aired a couple years ago and just being like, wow, this is some really beautiful television.

It is the only time that a post-Superbowl episode has been, in my opinion, the best episode of its series.

Spartacus is ultimate, but at this point Banshee would be my go-to recommendation for anyone who just finished Spartacus and said to me "What now?"

Adventures in Hayleysitting is one of my recent favorites.

Astonishing numbers for Empire. January has been a pretty sharp turnaround in Fox's fortunes. Also very sad to see NBC comedy Thursdays go out with such a whimper. From my single favorite thing in all of television to dead in a span of a few years; amazing, tragic.

That platform is quite possibly the hardest thing in any Mario game. It requires near pixel-perfect precision. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World have much better calibrated difficulty.

She is gorgeous. Definitely rooting for Hood to have to take solace in her arms at some point this season, depicted gratuitously graphically.

Oh god, I could go on about this topic forever. I spent much (not all, mind you, as I do love Hannibal, OitNB, Rick and Morty, etc., but much) of my time reading AV Club's best TV shows of 2014 list last month going "Really?" over and over again. I'm feeling more removed from what constitutes critically acclaimed TV

Not with Rent, but I've had that strange experience before about assorted films and TV shows, etc, where everyone I know is like "It's so amazing, best movie ever, anyone who doesn't love it is a moron!!" and I'm like "It's not bad," and thus a moron. Then the backlash hits and people (sometimes literally the same

I actually felt this way until The Grand Budapest Hotel. That movie was bona fide great and finally made me be like "Ohhh, now I get it!" Still don't like Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic or Darjeeling Limited, though.

Yes, he was mentioned by name back in season 1, pre-9/11. After 9/11 though they subbed in fictitious versions of him, like whatever that guy's name was that wanted to blow up the Golden Gate Bridge and got assassinated at the end of season 3.

(Only stuff coming back in January or February)

I was blown away by Empire's ratings. Between that, Gotham, the solid Sunday cartoons/B99 block, American Idol, and even decent Gordon Ramsay ratings, this week has been a pretty sharp turnaround in their fortunes. Hell, even New Girl is up to a 1.5 from the 1.0s it was hitting in early 2014.


Given Banshee's usual pacing, I would be surprised if the military base heist isn't until episode 7, though I could be wrong of course.

I feel like being captured and powerless in prison might be an even worse fate for a man like Kai Proctor than getting killed.

40% Spartacus, 40% Justified, 10% Malick, 10% martial arts cinema

You just know Hood will take epic revenge against the neo-Nazis though.