
Will Hood fuck some motherfuckers up in this episode? I'm betting… yes.

I definitely agree, but it never bothered me TOO much, because Spartacus' relatively unassuming physical stature was always show cannon - remember Agron the first time he saw Spartacus: "That tiny man is the fucking champion of Capua?!" So it worked that he isn't quite as built and outwardly awesome as Crixus or

Crixus, Naevia, Mira, Ashur, and now Sparty himself. The Arrow/Flash producers obviously loves them some Spartacus. Ergo, I love them.

Whitfield gave the role a will and fire and measured fury (not to mention sheer physical presence in the fight scenes) that can't be matched and by the end of his season had made him one of my favorite protagonists on TV. McIntyre shouldn't be discounted either though; you could tell from his first episode he had

In that case someone clearly hasn't seen I, Frankenstein!

Hey! I take offense at that! I'm playing Final Fantasy while eating Frosted Flakes and wearing a Tron T-shirt, a superhero comic open before me and a shelfful of unopened action figures next to me.

I'm so exhausted with this 4-year-old argument by this point I can't expend any more than a few dozen words on it, but no, Community season 2 was doing some of the most ambitious and creative stuff the live-action sitcom medium has ever seen.

Opposite of Batman, my emotions, etc…

I'd probably also argue for season 5 having over 80% successful episodes. I think season 2 is almost 100% successful once you get past its midpoint, though the early going is almost as rough as season 1.

Its ratings are so low because it airs on Friday and most viewers cannot stomach that level of violence/gore on a regular basis.

Eh, I dunno about that. I've never been a particularly huge Mad Men fan, but my favorite show of all time is Friday Night Lights, which contains just as little violence.

I can agree with that. Coming from someone who's loved Buffy since it was on the air and owns all 7 seasons on DVD, I think most people who praise Buffy at such an over-the-top level have let their memories of "Hush," "Once More With Feeling," "The Body," The Gift" and "Doppelgangland" overwhelm their memories of "I

Banshee is the perfect example of mid-reputable show. It is all about sex and fighting and violence, does those things well, and is perfectly content being the dumb, entertaining thing it is.

I've been on a five year mission now to try to get people to watch Spartacus. Unfortunately, the first couple episodes are terrible, and it's hard to get most people over that hump, so I've only successfully gotten a couple people to actually get to the good stuff (i.e. the end of episode 6). However, those couple

I don't disagree, but I also think that label could applied to literally ALL SERIALIZED DRAMATIC TELEVISION. I don't really see it as an insult.

No way - James Van Der Beek's wild-eyed craziness makes the entire movie hilarious and awesome.

He also directed episode 8, Intro to Statistics, where Abed dressed up as Batman and rescued Jeff and Pierce from a collapsing chair fort and Community officially started getting weird. You could argue he's responsible for both of the two episodes that represent Community's key jumps forward, weirdness-wise.

I don't tend to rewatch movies very often these days - there are probably less than five movies a year I've watched more than once so far this decade, and probably less than five movies so far this entire decade I've watched 5+ times - but I would certainly never advocate it as a rule. Damn, if you wanna rewatch,

Despite not really liking the movie at all, I was weirdly disappointed to click that image and not find Hercules on someone's list. Damn cheeky image chooser!