
Hahaha, only two of the TV shows I voted for made the top ten. I should go find a dark corner to think on my uselessness in.

Yes. It would almost immediately become a cliche, but at the time was mind-blowing. (Same thing verbatim goes for the giant army fantasy warfare in that trailer, something even TV shows can sometimes do today but at the time even the trailer's small glimpse of made me go HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT!)

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. No other trailer has ever made me hyperventilate with so much excitement as the first time I saw that trailer. I don't even remember what 2002 movie I saw it in front of, but whatever it was was pretty well ruined by me just replaying the Two Towers trailer in my mind over and over

There's literally an entire year for more plot-centric advertising though; this trailer's job was more to be like "Hey, remember stormtroopers, droids, X-wings, lightsabers and the Millenium Falcon? Fuck yeah you do! Star Wars!"

This trailer also does a stellar job making it look like (spoilers, maybe?) the first third or so of the movie is the entire movie. It's a movie I'm very glad I walked into not knowing anything beyond what the trailer shows.

Dumb and bad, but in a completely benign, even amiable way. Definitely doesn't deserve a place here. It'd be like kicking a dumb cross-eyed puppy.

I didn't outright hate it, but I do think it's one of the sharper quality drops for a sequel from the same director as the previous film that I can think of. It's a 5/10 sequel to a 9.5/10 movie, in my opinion. It didn't slowly dawn on me throughout the movie or anything either; I sensed it from literally the first

Noah actually probably makes my personal top ten movies of the year list. I found everything about it creative and funky and captivating and thrilling. Also, when I got out of it, there was this clearly scandalized elderly couple talking loudly about how awful and ungodly it was and how they should have seen God's Not

No drop/swap for me. I will go ahead and add… hmm, let's see…

So many awesome sequences that season. Jack trying to escape a drone in a car after it blew up a hospital was plain amazing.

Because I'm utterly shameless, I will just copy and paste exactly what I wrote a few days ago on this very topic:

Is there something inaccurate about the dub? Granted, I have nothing to compare it to, but it seemed fine to me.

"23 shows this year? Yeah right, what am I, insane?!"

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. God damn, they really did screw Enlisted over good, didn't they?

This is true. There's more shows I know are good that I'm not watching because I just don't have room on my schedule for them than the entire number of shows I was watching as recently as, like, 2008.

I think that Fox debuting it on Fridays at midseason with little promotion probably didn't help much.

In my MIND, friend. In my mind.

Top 10 Sitcoms to Debut in 2005, #4: Citizen Kane (1941)

The AV Club… unnecessary.

Won't happen; very solid show this year though.