
I hereby elect you the Mayor of Wrongtown. MeowMeowBeenz was five-MeowMeowBeenz awesome brilliance.

Richard Harris is just awesome in that movie.

Basic Sandwich, you mean? You're not missing anything super special. I wish they had shifted MeowMeowBeenz to be the season 5 climax.

A Christian found-footage horror movie actually sounds like a totally brilliant way for some production company to make $30-40m on a $2.5m investment.

Hell, alright, I'll go ahead and risk mockery/invisible downvotes and dive in on the opposite side of this debate:

Shit compared to Community, 30 Rock and Parks and Rec, yes. Shit compared to The Office S2 & 3, yes. But I'd still take even circa 2010-11 Office over NBC's new sitcoms (Bad Judge, ugh!) in a heartbeat, a million times out of a million.

Same for Supernatural. CW don't get no respect, man! (Unless it's Arrow, because, well, 900+ comments an episode is pretty hard for AV Club to argue with.)

Yeah, I miss the Community-30 Rock-The Office-Parks and Recreation Thursday NBC block. *nostalgic sigh* The good old days.

Damn, 2014 has been just lousy with Christian movies: God's Not Dead, Son of God, Heaven Is for Real, Kirk Cameron's godawful "War on Christmas" movie, now this one (and Ridley Scott's Exodus, but that's a little different because it actually looks like a real movie and I'd actually like to see it). God's Not Dead

Eh, I found Batman 89 campy when I first saw it on VHS in the 90s, comparing it even to B:TAS and well before Nolan. Granted, I'd never seen any 60s Batman at that point, but still, finding Batman 89 to be silly is something that well predates 2005.

Argh, now I'd wish I'd picked Selfie for cancellation league.

I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, so I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.

C'mon now AV Club, can't y'all throw a little D my way for the sake of my Cancellation League score? Ya killin' me!

As a side note, I watched the Scorpion pilot out of curiosity, and found it merely C-range regular-bad rather than D-range offensive-to-one's-very-sensibilites-bad. It's no Lucky 7, that's for sure. Now that pilot was one of the longest hours of my life.

Oh man, four years ago. The Thursday night Community-30 Rock-The Office-Parks and Recreation lineup. It was so great sitting down on Thursday and knowing I had two hours of such sitcom goodness ahead (granted, this was past The Office's prime, but still, past-its-prime Office compared to the NBC sitcoms now, Office

Manhattan Love Story looks dreadful, but otherwise I've been a fan since first seeing Wayne's World. He's had a lot of solid TV roles over the years, but I'd put Zachariah at the very top of that list. Zach was such a smarmy, condescending, deceptive, double-crossing, and all-around powerful and intimidating villain

I still stand by Gregg Henry as TV's ultimate "that guy," but Kurt Fuller is definitely high up on the list too.

It's rare, but it can happen. There was a lawnmower incident back in season 3 that was even crazier.

Nah it's all good, Bad Judge will be here to save me any day now!

A few movies. Crazy Stupid Love, Warm Bodies, Lucy.