
I guess I am not familiar with his writing outside of that. It is possible he is otherwise an asshole.

Has Brooklyn Nine-Nine really become so anointed that even light, half-positive criticism like that automatically makes one "such an asshole"?

Yes, Fox. It will be airing the same night and channel as B99 starting next week.

Agreed. His final exit from the show is one of the shittiest, destruction-of-all-goodwill, dispiriting exits I've ever seen for any character who was a main character on a show for several seasons. And that's including, like, characters on shows who get killed off. At least they theoretically go out memorably. Dean

Amy-Sherman Palladino's writing is definitely super-idiosyncratic and not for everyone. For me, it works, for others, not so much. Love it or hate it kinda thing.

I was very unhappy/grossed out by Lane hating sex, not wanting to do it again, and then finding out she had been impregnated her first time anyway. It was just icky. I'm not usually one to use these tumblr-y terms, but it was the epitome of sex-negativity.

I've always really liked "The Bracebridge Dinner." Despite knowing that the show was filmed in southern California and the "snow" is all actually styrofoam and whatnot, snowy Stars Hollow was always one of the most charming things ever on TV.

Whoa, you're in for a real treat. That's like having only seen the Star Wars prequels, already loving them, and being about to finally watch the original trilogy.

I might actually agree that Bunheads' single season is (slightly) better than any individual Gilmore season. But the combined quality of S1-3 put Gilmore higher on my overall top shows list.

You're 100% guaranteed to enjoy the first three (or even four) seasons. Beyond that, things might get shakier.

Yeah, I remember when that first aired I was pretty impressed by a show you would never in a million years associate with "fight choreography" delivering such a smack-down brawl. They fight through the whole goddamn house!

Believe it or not, that falls outside the last-decade parameter. Time marches inexorably onward, and we're all getting old.

It never happened, but Sam and Dean did discover fanfiction of themselves about it and were hilariously horrified.

Top 20! Hopefully Manhattan Love Story can bomb spectacularly and put me in the top 10!

With Gotham being the only promising scripted ratings-grabber Fox has going for it this season, Sleepy Hollow is 95% safe. Even if it dropped another 0.5, it will be just fine. I feel very comfortable saying this. (I also suspect it is not super high-budgeted, which helps.)

I don't think a second season is in the cards for Red Band, but I still think it will air its whole order, because Fox is just hurting that bad.

There was only about a 20 year gap between The Simpsons being filth that several of my grade school peers were actively banned from watching by their parents and an opening Simpsons short film being attached to screenings of Ice Age 4.

Don't be ridiculous, we all know that Whitney alone had the courage to finally make comedy funny again.

I heard she will definitely be appearing this season. Hopefully more than once, though I think that is unknown for now.

"Not everybody's perfect, Abed."
"Batman. And I am."