
Yeah, I watched all of UTD season 1 thinking "God, this sucks." I watched half of last night's season premiere, then realized that one day I'm going to be on my deathbed, and when that day comes I do not want to think that I spent 13+ of my hours on earth watching Under the Dome season 2. I turned it off 25 minutes in.

"There's no news… like bad news." *evil smile*

Jack even shouted at Navarro to get down on his knees, put his hands behind his head and interlock his fingers! This made me inordinately happy.

I'm glad I did not look closely at the opening credits, because I missed that. I have had other surprise reveals in other shows get ruined for me that way though. I'm thinking of a particular one in Friday Night Lights where a former main character makes his first appearance in almost a full season in the last two

Eskimo brothers will fight.

HOLY SHIT CHENG ZHI! What an absurd and hilarious twist. I laughed my fucking ass off when he stepped on screen. If we're just going by the length of his run on the show and not episode count, he's also now officially outpaced Nina Myers and Charles Logan as Jack's longest-running antagonist ever!

I think I feel the same way. I wouldn't mind if season 6 could get a boost to more than 13 episodes, though.

Don't forget Bunheads!


Community cannot be defeated

Well I personally make sure I know all the spoilers about all works of fiction going in. The way the creator intended the audience to see the story unfold is meaningless, and concerns only intellectual inferiors interested in plot at the expense of all else.

The "I don't care about the plot in TV shows" thing has really taken off like wildfire in snobby TV circles. I've read/heard almost every major TV critic on the internet say it, or some variation on it, over the last year or so. And every single time it carries this incredibly heavy whiff of "and that's why I'm

Breaking news: white person cast on Girls!

Bear down… for midterms.

It's ok, Gilligan has a backup career as VCR game host to fall back on. Howdy! Y'all look like a real groupa gunslingers!

It will come down to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons vs. Remedial Chaos Theory in the finals. The judge will go for Chaos Theory, but there will be a massive pro-D&D outcry in the comments section, plus noteworthy "It's bullshit that Mixology Certification only made it to round 2" grumblings.

Despite not having seen The Good Wife yet, I am predicting its episode wins just because I understand it is a major premise-upending episode that the show built up to for five seasons. Then again, so is Ozymandias… so… hm.

You have the heart of a hero.

I saw Choke before Community. Then when I was watching the pilot of Community, I was distracted by "Who is that blonde lady? I've seen her somewhere before." Then when I googled it after finishing the show, I was like, oh yeah. Nice.

You are right. Serialization is the reliable path to ratings success these days. (Three other major ratings success stories over the last year you didn't mention: Sleepy Hollow, Scandal, The Walking Dead, all serials.) There are still procedural exceptions, of course - NCIS and NCIS: LA continue to perform for CBS,