
This seems as good a place as any to mention that the last time we see Magnitude in the series in when Shirley's Island collapses on him in "Geothermal Escapism." I fear Magnitude was subtly killed off!

Breaking Bad: Look at me, Erik Adams.
Erik Adams: *grins, DING DING DING DING*
Breaking Bad: AHHHHHHHH

This metric probably still puts men ahead - even at half a point the many, many gladiator training sequences containing many, many shirtless men must rack up hundreds of points over Blood & Sand and Gods of the Arena.

He's only seen three movies in his life, so I assume not.

I'm 90% sure "Hitting the Fan" will win. Which I guess means I will have to finally start The Good Wife.

Here's your meth.

I just popped in and marathoned Gods of the Arena in one sitting on a whim the other week. It was awesome.

Holy shit, I hadn't heard that Syfy was syndicating a censored version of Spartacus. I also find it completely hilarious. What is every episode gonna be, like, four minutes long? There's also plot-crucial NC-17 scenes I can't imagine how they will work around, like the end of "Whore" for instance, or, well, other

Nope, Arrow's Amanda Waller and Nyssa al Ghul are au naturale as well! Albeit probably not at quite the same luxurious length as Slade Wilson at points.

There are definitely way more displays of perfect, gleaming, muscled manflesh than boobs, but it seems like boobs count for more nudity points than shirtless men. With that in mind, it comes out pretty even. There is probably a little more man ass than lady ass though, and definitely more peen than vag. But, on the

Has there ever been a sequel TV series this long after its parent show ended before? (Not that there are even that many sequel TV series in the first place, compared to movies.)

I assume poor Tony is still rotting in jail, but even if he got out he's sure not working for the CIA!

I'm pretty sure we've seen the last of John Boyega… I assume he went straight from shooting 24 to shooting Star Wars VII. I'm sure Tanner's arrest was expunged, though.

I think it seems fairly in line with "I'm gonna need a hacksaw" Jack.

Ooh, yeah, I was bummed we didn't get a surprise classic 24 cameo from Jack's CIA contact! I mean, I can't even think of who it would be this show has killed off so many people, but still, would've ruled.

I've seen 24 season 7 twice and I still don't quite get what Ultimate Terrorist Leader of All Terrorists Alan Wilson's goal was supposed to be. Except of course REASONS.

I dunno man. Putting aside the general lameness and assholery of saying a thing like that, I think the online Hannibal fandom has a pretty sizable female presence. Hell, the Hannibal tumblr fandom is goddamn huge (albeit probably just a little shy of the Sherlock/Doctor Who/Supernatural triumvirate that will rule

I've always looked at Breaking Bad as pure pulp. I mean, christ, doesn't Walt turn into a Cool Guy Who Doesn't Look At Explosions at the end of like episode 3 or 4 or something when he blows up some dude's car? Then at the beginning of season 3 silent characters essentially modeled after the freakin' Terminator show

That would be hilarious. That said, even as a hardcore Community nut, I can not argue any episode of Community season 5 over Ozymandias. Now, if this was a "best episodes of the series" tournament and I had to pick between Ozymandias and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, I would need a full month to contemplate my choice

There are episodes last season of Hannibal, Mad Men, Community, Arrow, Bob's Burgers, Louie and Orange is the New Black that I prefer to the episodes that ended up getting picked for the tournament (in a couple cases STRONGLY prefer, namely "In the Woods" for Louie and "The Promise" for Arrow; seriously, "The Promise"