
He may prefer Mad Men to Breaking Bad, but that is still definitely different than "The Strategy" vs. "Ozymandias" specifically. Like, I prefer Buffy to Angel, yet as a series finale I prefer "Not Fade Away" to "Chosen."

Well, I guess I'll start with the caveat that I'm not as head over heels in love with EITHER show as I gather the average AV Clubber is expected to be - I'm not sure either will make my top 10 shows of 2014 list - but Fargo definitely became the one I anticipated more on a week to week basis. It had a looser, more

I find these choices more agreeable than yesterday's picks (and especially more agreeable than the smugly dismissive way Arrow was treated the day before that). The only one I'd go the other way on is The Americans vs. Sleepy Hollow, and that isn't really even because I'm nuts about Sleepy Hollow so much as that I

I would still give the edge to Parenthood, but it is ending quite soon (13 more episodes), so it's good SaB and Fosters will be there to pick up the slack.

Yikes, AV Club whiffs three out of five so far! Give me Arrow over True Detective, Looking over HIMYM, and especially OitNB over goddamned Girls any day. (I haven't seen The Returned yet so I'll offer no judgment there.)

The way Arrow is being shoved into a genre TV ghetto of unworthiness far below Quality Television really makes me wonder if the modern TV snob even would have given, say, Buffy the time of day had it aired 15 years later.

I think, in showing every step of the evolution of Oliver's no-kill stance and in his accepting that he needs people around him and supporting him, Arrow in season 2 did a good and interesting job examining the value of heroism and what it means and what it's worth to be a hero. A better job than almost all of the

I actually like the action scenes in Arrow and the Nolan movies for pretty much the same reason, their focus on stuntwork and practical effects. Shame that trying to find these things in action flicks/shows these days can be such a scavenger hunt. Overall, I think Nolan's films have the superior vehicle action scenes,

Assuming by "backlash" you mean "anyone criticizing it in any way," I posted a generally negative-leaning post about it the night the finale aired: http://www.avclub.com/tvclu…

I won't argue that the effects are sometimes not super great, but Arrow's fight choreography and sense of scale and kineticism and creativity its action scenes - not to mention the sheer athleticism of Amell and Lotz - is the best I've seen on cable or network TV or in the movies in the last year. It is a great, great

I think it's just too much of a pain to do significant shooting at sunrise/sunset time on a TV schedule. You can only shoot for a brief window. So they cheat the transition.

Big Bang Theory is not there quite yet, but its recent three-season renewal will put it well over the top. Hell, unless Jim Parsons ever gets bored and wants to quit, I could see it topping 300 before the end. Modern Family, believe it or not, is only just a little over 100. It sure feels like a show that's been on

With this episode, 24 becomes the tenth scripted primetime show currently airing on US television to have aired 200 episodes, joining The Simpsons (552 episodes), Law & Order SVU (343), CSI (317), NCIS (258), South Park (247), Two and a Half Men (246), Family Guy (231), Grey's Anatomy (220) and Criminal Minds (210).

They did. It's best to just ignore the word "season" when it comes to ABC Family shows; it's pretty meaningless.

I actually might side with True Detective in the matchup they've picked, though I'd switch over to Arrow in a heartbeat if its episode was The Promise or Unthinkable. Three Ghosts is quite good, yes… but I kinda go "Huh?" at it being picked as the one representative of Arrow S2.

I watched Heroes too! And I liked it… for one season.

Yeah, looks pretty bad though, sadly.

It is hilarious coming to this ooey gooey lovefest about this JJ Abrams-directed pilot being the best pilot ever from the comments sections of the various recent Star Wars newswires where Abrams is almost unilaterally treated like nothing less than the reincarnation of Hitler. The AV Club can be so bipolar.

Just in terms of stylistic similarity, the most Lost-like show currently on the air is Once Upon a Time. They're both genre serials about people in mysterious locations, with overarching mysteries, and an episodic structure that gives flashbacks of various characters. They even open their second seasons in

I'm not OitNB's biggest fan in the world or anything, but I still conservatively estimate it to be x1,000,000 times better than Girls.