
I am 100% behind referring to terrorist family as "the Starks" for the remainder of this season.

Well, Jack said that Heller ordered a drone strike three years ago, which, in the world of 24, is like 2018 or something.

There were rumors back in season 8 that they wanted to spin the Freddie Prinze Jr character Cole Ortiz into his own show. Which sounded like pretty much the worst thing ever.

I can't think of any show that has a more distinctive and stylized "previously on" than 24. It makes the previously on part of the overall fun of a new episode.

I was concerned that Jack easily beating up those guys outside the subway car was going to be the Jack Baueriest moment of the episode, which was good but not amazing, but holy shit, when he shot those protestors I was doubled over laughing. Jack Baueriest moment of the season so far (along with taking out three guys

*Jack pulls out knife*

Arrow is fan-freaking-tastic, from the way it has structured and paced its story to the way it has developed its characters and settings to its frequently feature film quality action/fight scenes and beautiful cinematography. Minus the occasional lesser case-of-the-week, it's just a pure one-hour adrenaline shot of

The main thing weighing against Gotham is that I'll inevitably keep comparing every episode to Arrow, and Arrow is operating at such a crazily high, crazily entertaining level right now that I just doubt Gotham can measure up to. I'll still watch at least at first, though.

Is it, like, officially a thing now that we're not supposed to like GI Jeff? Because honestly I've watched that episode three or four times now and had a blast with it each time.

IT'S RIOT TIME!!!! *gently tips over trashcan*

Solid as Iraq!

Did you grow a beard and ponytail? "I'm going through some stuff."

I remember reading Dan Harmon saying that he didn't feel bad taking shots at Glee since Glee was the show with far, far, far higher ratings, which makes it funny that now if Community took shots at Glee they would be bullying the lower-rated show. (By about 0.1, but still.)

Wow, this video really made it hit me that the NBC lineup has changed a LOT in two years.

A whole lot of shows owe their post-season 1 lifespans to NBC's ratings woes: Community, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, Chuck, Hannibal.

In contrast, I've only seen a handful of L&O episodes ever, and I also love Lupine Urology. So it works for everyone!

I am surprised to see Introduction to Teaching on a top 20, but, that said, I do still laugh every time I think about Hickey saying to Leonard "Go get your earring, you piece of human garbage."

Also, wasn't the yam medical inspector the actual actress who played a medical inspector in L&O?

You know… I could… I fought for this country…

Bondage is not one of my favorites of season 5 either but I'm not sure what you mean by embracing weirdness for weirdness' sake… it's maybe the least weird season 5 episode outside of Intro to Teaching and maybe VCR Maintenance.