
And private military contractors, and war profiteers, and oilmen, and neoconservative politicians, and, in the case of Charles Logan, literal Republican presidents.
Characters blatantly coded as right-wing are actually way more likely to be villains than heroes in the 24 universe.

Being a president in 24verse is almost as dangerous as being a king in Westeros.

I loved, in the awesome campy 24 way, Basher just running out on the walkway and opening fire on like twenty people with guns with a pistol. Not the brightest bulb in the shed, that Basher.

Don't forget the major plot twist in hour three when he got up to take a leak.

I'm going to make the possibly risky prediction that the first Bauer kill will not be until next week's episode.

Louie then follows Jack back to his parents' house to rat Jack out for being a bully.

Oh man, I'm so ready to hear Jack Bauer shout "PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON!" Maybe even "PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD INTERLACE YOUR FINGERS!" If he chokes someone out while whispering "Don't fight it" I'll swoon with glee.

Seeing Iain Glen and Peter Dinklage interact extensively onscreen has literally been by #1 most anticipated thing in this entire series since I read Dance With Dragons, so I sure as shit hope they don't skip it.

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn't have a sword?!!"

We still have a few last Dany book 3 details to get through (STORM OF SWORDS SPOILERS) - she hasn't exiled Jorah yet.

Sword through the mouth is pretty awesome, but I still have to give the edge to Spartacus' face-sliced-off-lengthwise.

I agree… that's what I thought they were gonna do, actually!

According to 24 wiki, Jack was born in 1966, season 1 took place in 2002, and Live Another Day is 18 years later, so I guess Jack is 54.

As of the series finale, he was a vegetable. So he survived as of 4PM on Day 8, but maybe is dead by Live Another Day.

I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one who recalls Jack's right-eye-left-eye-keeping-cutting threat as one of the most memorable of the series.

There will have to be many references to "WACK HANDLEN," not out of maliciousness, but merely to keep the spirit of ZMF alive.

Nina was an awesome villain, but I think three seasons of her terrorizing Jack and his family was about the right amount to push it without getting stale.

I would unironically love that.

B- grade aside, there's few things in pop culture this year I've looked forward to so much as the return of Jack Bauer. I have no doubt the early going episodes have their issues, but I'm hoping that they can get ironed out as the season gels - like in season 3 when godawful Jack-in-Mexico shenanigans gave way to pure

TELL ME WHERE [the season's MacGuffin] IS!!!!!!!!