
I think 12 episodes is definitely a good thing, in terms of trimming the fat and subplots and trying to keep things pared down to just the best, craziest, thrillingest stuff. Howard Gordon has probably learned some things about doing 12-episode seasons on cable he can bring back to network. (Granted, Homeland's last

And then, when you get elected to Congress, you get that Congressional walk, you know what I'm saying? And you have this little trail of interns behind you, and they're like, "Hey… you gotta apple up there?"

"El Accidente" is one of the very few non-season 2 FNL episodes that doesn't entirely work for me. Reyes just never really convinced me as a character. Though it is the episode where I noticed Jesse Plemons' ability to actually act, so I will give it some credit.

Loved the episode, though I did have to laugh out loud at the pan down to the bug Laurel put under Blood's desk blinking incredibly obvious bright red light. Not a very sneaky bug…

She should return to Mad Men but this time in full Black Canary getup.

Ohhh shit, I'm damn near spastic with excitement for tonight's Arrow. Hopefully it (and the season's final two episodes) can follow up worthily to the final scene last week. Given how great the season finale last year was, I have faith it can achieve similar heights again.

Though I doubt anyone has the time or energy to binge-watch 192 episodes of TV in a week, there would be time to binge one season. My recommendation would be season 5, though season 1 is worthy too.

It was never really able to measure up narratively to the potential of its cast and premise and chemistry between its two leads. A shame.

"I can't think of a single morally unambiguous character on Buffy"

Ok, sure, but by that line of thinking absolutely every action film/show ever made about good guys vs. bad guys is conservative. Star Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Alias, Buffy, The Avengers, Die Hard, The Matrix, The Princess Bride, James Bond… all right-wing propaganda?

Interesting thoughts about Jack's destiny as an enemy of the state… something worth discussing further in the Live Another Day comments sections.

Good call about Donald Sutherland. I mean, it still would have only increased a D season of television to a D+, but still.

Good thing he made up for everything by co-starring in five Twilight movies.

Kim Bauer as a CTU analyst was insanely silly (shouldn't all CTU analysts be, like, top-of-their-class computer science majors from MIT and Harvard?), but I'd still take it a million times out of a million over her adventures in babysitting.

The Muslim guy who Jack pours his soul out to is the guy who got framed's imam (? I think that's the right word?). If Kim hadn't gotten back in time to give Jack her stem cells he would've been the last person Jack ever spoke to.

Joel Surnow is a conservative, but Howard Gordon is a liberal and he was a writer for all eight seasons, head writer for the last six, and showrunner for the last four (and the new miniseries).

24 influenced The Dark Knight trilogy…

Be my guest with the copy/pasting… I'd like to nip this "24 is so right-wing!" meme in the bud.

From what I've heard, I believe the plot of this miniseries is what would have been the plot of the movie, yes.