
Sleepy Hollow ending its first season with a 2.4 may be the most interesting ratings success story of the fall '13-spring '14 season for me. A drama with little advance buzz, no big stars, not propped up by a bigger show or singing competition leading into it, on a network where every other live action scripted show

I just finished a six-month rewatch of almost the entire series (I skipped parts of season 2 because I can't abide Kim Bauer's Adventures In Babysitting, and skipped almost all of season 6 because it sucks). There were plenty of kick-ass moments, plenty of terrible filler moments, and everything in between. It is a

Jack: "Is there anyone you want to call?"

"That's, that's Jack Bauer, it's gotta be."

Arrested Development is absolutely the Bush-era show for me. Solid as Iraq!

I LOVE the last scene of season 3. Such a humanizing moment.

Season 7 also had a similar story.

I completely agree with your ranking except I would switch 4 and 7.

I would argue that Bauer's kill count should be 269 because Paul Raines in season 4, while his fault, was not killed by him. He was killed by a bullet fired by a terrorist.

Two reasons:


If we're talking shocking and subversive deaths, don't forget David Palmer… second-most main character for three seasons, supporting character for another, then, one minute into season 5, with absolutely zero warning or buildup whatsoever, boom, bullet to the throat.

YES! The cougar occupies like 2% of the godawful Kim Bauer's Adventures In Babysitting story that takes up way too much of the whole second season. I get the cougar as a compelling symbol for shitty filler, but people should be talking about Gary if they want to talk about season 2's problems.

I don't think it depicted all Arabs as terrorists though (with the possible exception of the admittedly politically troubling season 4). The head of CTU LA in season 6 was a Muslim woman, Nadia Yassir. One of the main good guys in season 8, Omar Hassan, was an Arab politician. And, as mentioned above, the ultimate bad

Chappelle's death is the show's most haunting and memorable death, which is so weird because he was SUCH a prick whose dialogue for the first three seasons of the show might as well have consisted exclusively of "I'm going to get in your way Jack Bauer because I'm an asshole and that's what I do!"

Season 7 had its problems but is a lot better than seasons 6 and 8. I can't deny the goofball Die Hard-ish joy of the terrorists taking over the White House, and there were a couple real "Oh shit!" episode-ending twists (like Tony suffocating Larry Moss). I really liked the last episode of the season too and Tony's

Live Another Day's badass female agent role is gonna be filled by Yvonne Strahovski though, and much as I liked Renee, I gotta give my vote to Sarah Walker.

I'd bet cold hard cash that Lady Stoneheart is the last scene of the season.

I'm predicting Lysa and the Moon Door before the finale.

Me too! The Others' (aka the White Walkers') castle! Now the show is showing me bona fide new stuff I didn't see in the books. Not that I dislike other new stuff like Arya and Tywin, etc., but this is the first new thing to make me geek out.