
No kidding! Especially with today's engines and graphics capabilities. Get it done, nerds!

Wow. Thank you for this. Very, very interesting read, and I appreciate you sharing it.

Yup, those were great. Never played the 2002 one.

If only someone had told that to the DNC…

With running mate, Nuts! Nuts and Gum, together at last!

No kidding. In the most unironic way possible too. Ugh.

Reality's also liberal. Don't forget that!

Haha, thanks.

Where have you been?! It's been making the cult-classic rounds for a while. It was episode 19 on How Did This Get Made?, and they spent the entire time lavishing it with praise.

There's a comment in here that is the exact opposite of yours. I love the Internet.

"…as a former Republican myself…"

Yeah, W. has really taken on a "skeleton in the closet" quality among my very conservative in-laws. What began as, "Well, his last eight months were pretty bad" has since turned into the mistake no one talks about.

That video game is the tits! I have a feeling we could have a very good comic-book/video-game discussion if we were ever to meet.

Yup. I live in California. Had I lived in Nevada or a red state, I most likely would have held my nose and voted for Mrs Clinton. The clothespin would have been bigger in that case, but the principles remain the same.

Hey, me too!

I could see that; I just didn't read it that way.

Oh, indeed.

Totally agree. And if AV Club had ended an article about Obama retweeting Malala with "The President thinking every teenager is beautiful is awesome!" I would have commented the same.

I much prefer Remy LaCroix hula-hooping. (NSFW, for those interested.)

For the record, you have at least one supporter in this thread. I could tell that you were coming from "left of Bernie's flailing left hand" pretty quickly. I also love that phrase. Thanks for that.