No problem! I thought it was a pretty great explanation of the disease that is Trump.
No problem! I thought it was a pretty great explanation of the disease that is Trump.
Completely understandable. Thanks for the reply. That has to be pretty frustrating. I keep seeing a lot of "The media did this!" type posts, and I'm like, "Yes, they have a lot to atone for, and we really do need to make some changes on that front. But we have a bit of a Nazi problem popping back up. Let's go ahead…
There was a wonderful tweet thread about this recently. I really don't think Trump is deep enough/intelligent enough to be a true believer. Maybe I'm being naive.
Hell, I'm reading a Vanity Fair profile on Trump from 1990 right now, and it's chilling. This asshole has been an asshole for DECADES.
I'm kind of with @avclub-e74b103532a9337cc42f051774ac49d4:disqus. Perhaps there's a small act of resistance in which you can engage to balance the karmic scale, so to speak.
Wait, what do you mean when you say "you're doing protest all wrong"? What kind of things are you hearing?
Ooh, now this comment is good. This wins the internet for me today. But because Disqus is such shit, I can't upvote you in the little sidebar. And I'm far too lazy to scroll through all the comments to find yours and hit the up arrow.
"Well, you know, I think you'd really like America. We've got the Liberty Bell, Disneyland on both coasts—it's happening."
Wait, what? It's gone? What's a Civil War?
No Confederate Bodymore, Murdaland.
I wouldn't bother with Mr. MJW, a user name that is most likely an oh, so clever attempt at turning SJW into something super-funny.
I especially like the AND BEFORE I FORGET! section at the end.
Appreciate that. And I guess that's my silver lining now? That POTUS didn't directly associate himself with Nazis? Sigh.
Totally understand. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with anxiety. I know that struggle very well, and it sucks, to put it mildly. I hope you're able to find the resources you need.
I can't tell if you're joking, but you're right. Or left. Wait. What?
I read that as "hairline" communism and thought, "Well, Stephen Miller could probably answer that."
My uncle is always telling me about a study that showed a good 30% of GOP voters prefer authoritarian rule. It makes them feel safe.
As David Cross tweeted on election night, I guess we can remove the 'alt-' from alt-right.
It would?