
*insert requisite obscene Jenny Lewis/Warp Whistle = penis euphemism joke here*

I remember renting this when I was in the sixth grade…
Being a huge fan of the video game, I couldn't wait to watch it. I had a fever and had stayed home from school. Even in the throes of a fever, I can remember lying on the couch thinking, "This is fucking terrible".

It all depends on the venue. Bands have sounded shitty on "SNL" but then appear on Letterman or Conan's show when he was in NY and the sound mix is vastly superior.

"Wow, he really did write all of that."
"What an asshole."

"Did you see that light?"
"Yeah, it was green."

To paraphrase "MST3K"…
"In the future, can we have a rule where journalism is conducted by journalists?"

Enough of this shit…where's "Maximum Overdrive Two", Emilio?
And you simply must get Yeardley Smith back to nag and whine incessantly.

So did Xenu hate this script?
I think so. Or maybe he just said he did so Jenna'd take the bait.

Ah, sniffers robocop. What a witty retort.

I think the Ben Stiller that gave us "The Ben Stiller Show"…
is locked in a broom closet somewhere. Struggle free of your dank prison, Ben, and grace us with actual comedy once more!

More banal offal from Tom Rothman's 20th Century Fox!
Tom Rothman: Cinema's enemy since 2000. Well, I'd better let him go so he can greenlight "Big Momma's House 3".

"It's "The Jay Leno Nerf Comedy Hour"!
So how long before The Dancing Itos come out or he trots out another Clinton/Lewinsky joke? Minute one, I'm guessing.

I loved the "Ghostbusters" reference…
"It's right here. It's looking at me."

Wow, so the several times….
I've seen bits and pieces of this on Showtime, IFC, and/or sundance channel over the past fifteen years, then continued channel surfing, is finally validated.

Wait a minute…we're hipsters?
If that's the case, then I need to know where to write to complain because my membership card got lost in the mail.

Aw man…Genevieve watches this shit?
Now our wedding's off.

Wake me when Robin Sparkles makes a horror film…
I'll be first in line for "Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge Two".

Demolition-style hell American freak?

One of you sounds like David Wain…

I love the show but…
I often think of how, if Sheldon were a real person, he'd haven gotten knocked the fuck out by impatient people weary of his persona.