
Yeah that caused tears to well up in my eyes.

"Maybe I'm wrong on this one, but for me the beast *doesn't* include selling out."

You mean a bit too Mitch McConnell-y.

They just started filming "Cult of Chucky" this week so this "trailer" was more of an announcement.

Exactly. And I wish U2 would stop pretending that song and Zoo TV never happened.

So did I. It ran incessantly on HBO and Cinemax back then. Robot Richard Nixon, indeed.

It's all fun and games until "Rover Dangerfield" and "Rock-A-Doodle" are re-released theatrically in 3D. Whither "Bebe's Kids"?

Let me add my voice to the praise for "Stay Away". Holy shit is that mesmerizing. It sounds like something Motown or Stax would have released in the early '7os.

Dirtbike Milksteaks was six years old in 1990. I turn 30 this year.

did The Hater pen this? Sure feels like it.

My brush with MST3K Greatness….aka the time I talked to Kevin Murphy
I've been a fan since early Season One, wrote a few letters to BBI back in those halcyon days when The Comedy Channel was morphing into Comedy Central. How I loved getting those hard copies of Satellite News in the mail (Info Club member #16103 here;

How I discovered the show…
The particulars are hazy. I was seven or eight and our cable company, Cablevision, had just gotten The Comedy Channel. This was in 1990, I believe. I was an avid viewer of the channel. I enjoyed Higgins Boys and Gruber, The Rachel Sweet Show, and all the rest of the channel's programming,



Nope. Movie Gallery is closing *all* of their stores, which includes all Hollywood Video stores as well.

C'mon, let's argue semantics…
Movie Gallery, which has owned Hollywood Video since 2005, is closing all of their stores.

"I'm Peter Graves, and I was wondering if you could direct me to the natatorium, as I am attending a swim meet."
RIP, Mr. Graves. Your legend will live forever.

No mention of "The Addiction", Kyle?
That's a terrific film, one of both her and Ferrara's.

Let's make TV viewing plans right now, shall we?
What's on Turner Classic Movies that night? Good, their "31 Days of Oscar" film marathon.