
Huh! I'm sure that you are right. It's funny, I read Cap religiously during that period (mid-80s to around '90), and I do not remember that at all. Good to know that all that precious comic-reading time is paying off.

Didn't that end up poorly for ol Steve? Something like the gov't decided that's not how it works, and wanted their money back? And since he couldn't pony up, they took back the costume+shield and gave it to some jerkoff? Or am I conflating multiple really agonizingly dumb storylines? Eugh, the 80s.

Sweet!! I can finally buy my transport hoods in bulk!

I was thinking, oh, jeesus, *another* Marvel movie is coming out? Then I realized that Civil War hadn't come out yet. It just feels like it has. This is going to be a long summer.

I'm endlessly amused that such a nihilistic movie will have a sequel. Let's see: every world leader is dead, global warming is a looming unstoppable apocalypse (I still can't believe how blithely they skipped through that), and the only fun actors in the first movie had their characters summarily killed. But maybe

Now, see, given the subject, I honestly, unironically, have no idea whether you're joking or not.

I remember playing E.T. when it came out. In the moment, it was a weird and creepy experience- it was so clearly not a regular game that I kept expecting something fucked up to happen, like some kind of 8-bit videodrome.

I put Eco in the same category as David Foster Wallace: you need to *want* to take the hard road, to face the challenge head-on. There are some gateway-ish routes, and the Name of the Rose would serve, but it would defeat the point of getting into his work. Just get a copy of Foucault's Pendulum from the library and

I think a lot of weed was used in the writing of this episode. Like, even more than usual.

Pretty much since the early 90s, *every* new Bowie album is the comeback album over the inconsistent and underwhelming previous album. If he manages to put another one out, just wait and see.

Frank's Brother is the worst, but I will always treasure the reveal of Shadynasty's name spelled out in neon glory.

If you do see three butts, aim for the one in the middle. No need to thank me, just here to help.

"Hey, it's-a me, the Daredevil! Back off, signora, I'm-a gonna punch him in the rigatoni!" That's it, right? I'm pretty much a master of accents.

According to wikipedia, Sarah Taylor is "a wicketkeeper-batsman known for her free flowing stroke play." The science checks out!

Goddammit, you idiots took the one good thing about being from Cleveland and you completely fucked it up. The one good thing.

Fun fact: there was a time in ancient history when "Stones or Beatles?" was a legitimate question you could ask someone as a form of personality test. "Beatles" meant you were a dreamy romantic intellectual. "Stones" meant you weren't a goddamn pussy.

But the list of throwaways will be different for almost anyone you ask.

I think you are forgetting a certain ancient psychic tandem war elephant.

David Icke is a huge prog rock fan as well. Or at least I would assume.

Ha! Yeah, I did a doubletake when I saw the pic. I also have a hard time picturing a movie I'd want to see less.