
I tried Radiolab several times aways back, and never really liked it. I remember thinking it was nowhere near as clever as it thought it was. Invisibilia has been edging to my "nope" pile for the same reason. But I randomly grabbed La Mancha and was completely enthralled. Fu-Go was a step down, but still fun; at

I can only picture a Bob-possessed Agent Cooper saying "WHERE'S WALDO? WHERE'S WALDO??" over and over again. And I LOVE IT!

Start easy with his essay collections. Brilliant, short, fun, and it lets you get into the rhythm of his footnotes, which are as crazy and sprawling as everyone says. I prefer "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" slightly over "Consider the Lobster" just for the sweet Lost Highway essay in the former.

The most alarming and depressing thing about this whole fracas is that apparently people give a shit what Kid Rock thinks. So has Ted Nugent ascended to the William F Buckley role in the pyramid of paleo-Republican musicians?

Considering that you just described Jay according to the people in the "Jay did it" camp, I don't think it's that much of a stretch, or that it would take a criminal mastermind. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting hypothesis.

Possibly the third party threatened to go after Adnan's family if he told? It's a fair question, and the argument poses an unknown and infinitely flexible third party as a kind of bogeyman. But again, the most confusing aspect of the case to me was the weird, half-guilty but motive-less behavior of both Adnan and

I think it's likely that Adnan did it, and Serial basically served as a well-told, in-depth defense argument. I don't see anything wrong with that, and I assumed it going in- Koenig was brought in by Rabia Chaudry to look at a fishy case, after all. But if Serial came in from the prosecution's side, I bet Adnan's

It works better if you shout it at the top of your lungs while you say it, maybe also with your fists raised in the air like a pro wrestler. I assume that's the official pronunciation at Marvel.

What's amazing is how they've been able to keep up that funny accent *the whole time*.

I was trying to figure out if it was imitating a shitty webcomic, or if it just was a shitty webcomic. I'd research this guy's other work, but.. ehhh.

I'm watching this right now, nearly at the end, pretty much bored out of my mind. I was hoping for at least some mind-blowing set pieces like some of the high points of Waking Life, but this review is accurate. What I really wasn't expecting was how absolutely awful the script is. It's ponderous and dumb without


That's actually a really fascinating rabbit hole of class politics and the surprising twists and turns of populist tastes vs. critical approval. For example http://diymag.com/archive/o…

Nah, someone from England would've said Parklife *or* Definitely Maybe. Liking both in 1994 would be cause for a… bad… uh… British… thing….

Excellent- I'm going to put on my Owen Pallet hat and post a reply here if I have anything intelligent to say about how she goes about her songwriting.

Okay, I'll bite- which Swift song has (in your opinion) the best bridge? Not asked as a challenge or sarcastically- I'm an amateur songwriter, and I'm genuinely curious.

If it wasn't Chuck Klosterman who wrote that original comparison, I'll eat my hat.

Agreed 100%. I was thinking the same thing when I read the AVClub One Direction review (which I did out of morbid curiosity. A "B" is a "B"). It had goofy shit like N'Sync making boundary-pushing music, and rueing that One Direction weren't taking any chances on their new album. It makes sense if there's an

Lower profile artists *are* bitching about spotify and the rest. Ex: http://pitchfork.com/featur… and more briefly http://www.digitalmusicnews… You just don't hear about it because they are lower profile. Artists like Swift are the only ones with enough clout to have any hope of changing this model, and it's

I know, I'm in the same boat. All this time and effort and I'm only the associate vice-president of Tit Quality Assessment. What have I done with my life?!