
Yeah, while Spicer was a piece of shit, he (I like to think) had slivers of humanity. Trump's true skill seems to be the ability to always find someone worse. Scaramucci seems to be a complete sociopath. God knows what will happen if/when Sessions steps down. Trump will have to create a Hitler clone or something.

The names have changed, but you just described my childhood from 1980-1988.

Huh. Okay. That's nice.

Yeah, both this and the previous artist have some amazing stuff on their websites. Maybe we're just at a point in our culture where asking for a webcomic implies the expectation of sketchy MSPaint jobs.

Wait… Mulan? So this show is about re-interpreting characters as presented in Disney movies? Jesus. I have to either start paying more attention or much, much less.

"Actually, I quite liked it" he said brightly.

The best theory I heard is that when King wrote the Shining, he was intentionally writing about his own alcoholism and the impact it was having on his family. Jack Torrance == Stephen King. He wrote the book as a way to reason himself out of it, to realize that underneath he was a good person and that his family


Someone needs to accept this challenge

The present GOP has derived most of its success from the Race Thing. Trump simply detuned the dogwhistles down to regular whistles. I get that black churches can be just as conservative (I know some have refused to acknowledge homosexuality as even *possible* in black men), but you might as well ask the GOP to square

Surely the most unrealistic part of this comic is the idea that an actual person writes those emails and signs their real name on top of it.

I wonder if the "real" Black Mirror episode is hidden under the last five minutes. It looks like some amount of time passes between when Yorkie asks Kelly to stay and when Kelly finally crosses over. That would mean they would have met up dozens (hundreds?) of times while Kelly was under the midnight time limit.

These pictures make me feel weird :-(

#3: I hope not. The average Reagan Democrat has died by now.

I… I've got to take those birthday wishes more seriously.

One of my favorite aspects of Neon Genesis Evangelion is the batshit crazy interpretation of Jewish and Christian iconography. The crucifix-shaped explosions were the cherry on top.

Hey, man, aren't, like, *all* movies set in space? Like, the earth is a giant spaceship, bro! Makes you think.

Holy shit, that apology. It aspires to "I'm sorry you're offended" but it doesn't even get that far. She seems more chagrined that her letter of support became public. Understandable; someone who has set up her career to be a touring rock musician would never have expected to make any kind of public statements.

If I had known from the beginning how much Blomkamp liked Die Antwoord, I would've realized that District 9 was an accidental miracle, and everything since has just been regression to the mean.