
I've always enjoined Donnie Darko- I actually saw it in the theaters by random chance on a shitty bleak rainy Seattle day, so I was probably in the perfect headspace for it (I was 28, so I don't have the teenager excuse). But I think time has shown that Richard Kelly (a) is absolutely obsessed with Reagen-era

Oliver Platt should just obey his genetic destiny and get an actual job in newspaper middle-management. Although I guess those jobs don't really exist anymore. Hmmm. Back to the actorly grind for you, Platt!

They might even be completely uncorrelated! (I have neither.)

The A.V. Club

The scenes aboard the space station, with Molly fighting the alien mind control, were legitimately tense. As I said below, I thought they did the best job with the alien invasion plot. I'll also give them credit that they had the kid explode (whoops! spoilers!). If they do a second season, I wonder if they'll have

And look what we've been missing!

Yeah, he just has enough money to make his embarrassing wish-fulfillment fantasies into reality. See also: James Dolan.

At first I thought the synopsis card was the poster, and I agreed that would be wonderfully bonkers to see on a subway wall at 7 in the morning.

Why Pop failed is easy: too electronic for old school U2 fans who were just hanging on by their fingernails (Achtung Baby was incredibly divisive, as hard as that may be to believe now), too conventionally U2-y for listeners who were already dismissing Chemical Brothers and Fat Boy Slim as has-beens. Only the

One episode left to go, and this still feels like two and a half shows stuck together with duct tape (alien invasion; Pinocchio; wife who won't let go of her past coupled with husband who's a little too checked out). I'm really enjoying the alien invasion one; it's like a cross between Solaris and Aliens, and high

Especially when the class you're TAing for is linear algebra.

Oof, that got ugly fast.

Xtro was all kinds of fucked up and I didn't need to be reminded of it :-(

Allow me to add that Matthew Sweet is probably the best early-90s example, for a compare/contrast. Power pop has always been an enigma to me, in that a style of music designed to be immediately catchy and appealing has never quite caught on, despite bands trying over literally decades. Guess there can be too much

Do you mean the whole series, or just what Marvel has re-released so far. To this day, I have a hard time thinking of what would top Book 3. I'd love to hear some suggestions.

Unheard Wings material? So you mean, most of their songs? OH MCCARTNEYBURN!

A CVS I believe, and yes it did happen in the 90's. But their corned beef sandwiches and cheesecake will live on in my heart. Literally.

Yeah, the rust belt is a little like a time machine- the architecture and signage and everything tends to date to the last boom period. There are plenty of places in Akron (where I grew up) where you swear you've stepped into the late 50s/early 60s, although those places are finally starting to disappear (Lou & Hy's

I like that interpretation. Maybe it helps that the voice of Darren was Alan Oppenheimer a.k.a. Skeletor.

It was taken way before then.